Category:Mecistops cataphractus
Mecistops cataphractus (Cuvier, 1825)
- English: African slender-snouted crocodile, African Slender-snouted Crocodile, Slender-snouted Crocodile
- العربية: تمساح غرب إفريقيا نحيف الخطم
- مصرى: تمساح افريقى
- azərbaycanca: Afrika ensizburun timsahı
- български: Африкански остромуцунест крокодил
- brezhoneg: Krokodil hobregonet
- català: Cocodril de Guinea
- čeština: Krokodýl štítnatý
- Deutsch: Westafrikanisches Panzerkrokodil
- Esperanto: Muzelfajna krokodilo
- español: Cocodrilo Hociquifino Africano
- فارسی: تمساح تنگگردن آفریقایی
- suomi: Kapeakuonokrokotiili
- français: Crocodile à museau allongé d'Afrique, Crocodile au long museau, Faux gavial Africaine
- עברית: תנין צר-חרטום מערב-אפריקני
- hrvatski: Oklopljeni krokodil
- magyar: Páncélos krokodil
- italiano: Crocodylus cataphractus
- 한국어: 긴코악어
- lingála: Lokekele
- македонски: Африкански крокодил
- norsk bokmål: panserkrokodille
- Nederlands: Pantserkrokodil
- Diné bizaad: Táłkááʼtsʼin bikágí ntłʼizígíí
- polski: Krokodyl wąskopyski
- پنجابی: سوڑیاں ناساں والا مگرمچھ
- português: Crocodilo-de-focinho-delgado
- ikirundi: Musomoke
- русский: Африканский узкорылый крокодил
- srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Oklopljeni krokodil
- Simple English: West African slender-snouted crocodile
- српски / srpski: Оклопљени крокодил
- svenska: Pansarkrokodil
- Türkçe: İnce burunlu timsah
- українська: Африканський вузькорилий крокодил
- Tiếng Việt: Cá sấu mũi hẹp
- 粵語: 非洲狹吻鱷
- 中文: 非洲狹吻鱷
- 中文(中国大陆): 非洲狭吻鳄
- 中文(臺灣): 非洲狹吻鱷

Wikispecies has an entry on:
- Reptile Database link: Crocodylus cataphractus Invalid [Valid synonym is Mecistops cataphractus (CUVIER, 1825)]
- Reptile Database link: Mecistops cataphractus (CUVIER, 1825)
- ITIS link: Crocodylus cataphractus Cuvier, 1825 Invalid
- ITIS link: Mecistops cataphractus (Cuvier, 1825)
Mecistops cataphractus (Cuvier, 1825) (Syn. of Crocodylus cataphractus) (old web site) (Critically endangered)
- Note: Recent DNA and morphological studies suggest that this species may belong in its own monotypic genus, Mecistops (McAliley et al. 2006), but at present most continue to use Crocodylus as the genus for this species.
Pages in category "Mecistops cataphractus"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Mecistops cataphractus"
The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.
African Slender Snouted Crocodile.JPG 3,626 × 2,022; 2.9 MB
Crocodylus cataphractus 0zz.jpg 1,000 × 665; 186 KB
Crocodylus cataphractus 1zz.jpg 1,000 × 665; 163 KB
Crocodylus cataphractus Distribution.png 339 × 356; 10 KB
Crocodylus cataphractus faux-gavial d'Afrique.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 1.02 MB
Crocodylus cataphractus faux-gavial d'Afrique2 white background.JPG 2,312 × 752; 290 KB
Crocodylus cataphractus faux-gavial d'Afrique2.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 849 KB
Crocodylus cataphractus in Nyíregyháza Zoo 20 July 2020 JM.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 14.47 MB
Crocodylus cataphractus.jpg 1,536 × 1,024; 758 KB
Crocodylus Distribution.png 1,170 × 368; 26 KB
Faux gavial africain à La planète des Crocodiles.jpeg 601 × 401; 50 KB
Krokodýl štítnatý.jpg 1,200 × 784; 253 KB
Madras-Crocodile-Bank-3.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 768 KB
Mecistops cataphractus head.jpg 1,602 × 633; 255 KB
Ostravská ZOO, krokodýl štítnatý (crocodylus cataphractus) (1).JPG 3,504 × 2,336; 4.66 MB
Ostravská ZOO, krokodýl štítnatý (crocodylus cataphractus) (2).JPG 3,504 × 2,336; 3.92 MB
Ostravská ZOO, krokodýl štítnatý (crocodylus cataphractus) (3).JPG 3,504 × 2,336; 3.86 MB
Pantserkrokodil (14783902910).jpg 4,608 × 3,072; 6.69 MB