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Category:Medical conditions related to obesity

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<nowiki>morbilidad asociada a la obesidad; 病的肥満; maladie liée à l'obésité; ускладненьне, зьвязанае з атлусьценьнем; morbiditat associada a l'obesitat; Morbidade associada à obesidade; obesity-associated morbidity; الأمراض المرتبطة بالبدانة; Smrtnost povezana sa gojaznošću; complicanza; complication; fator de risco relacionado à obesidade; complication; Komplikation; захворванасьць, зьвязаная з атлусьценьнем</nowiki>
obesity-associated morbidity 
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This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.




Media in category "Medical conditions related to obesity"

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