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English: Metalogic is the study of the metatheory of logic. While logic is the study of the manner in which logical systems can be used to decide the correctness of arguments, metalogic studies the properties of the logical systems themselves. According to Geoffrey Hunter, while logic concerns itself with the "truths of logic," metalogic concerns itself with the theory of "sentences used to express truths of logic."
<nowiki>metalógica; Металогика; Metalògica; Metalogik; Մետատրամաբանություն; Металогика; metalogik; Metalogică; メタ論理学; Metalogika; Металогіка; 元邏輯; 元逻辑; 메타논리학; Металогика; metalogiko; металогика; métalogique; мэталёгіка; metalógica; metalogik; Metalogika; metalogika; อภิตรรกศาสตร์; metalogikk; metalogikk; metalogica; فرامنطق; Металогика; Metaməntiq; 元逻辑; metalogic; ما بعد المنطق; 元逻辑; Metalogika; rama de la lógica que estudia las propiedades y los componentes de los sistemas formales; изучение метатеории логики; study of the properties of logical systems; dział logiki matematycznej; studie av egenskapene til logiske systemer; вывучэньне ўласьцівасьцяў лягічных сыстэмаў; objektlogik; メタ論理; 元逻辑学; 元邏輯; Metateorema; Metalogica</nowiki>
study of the properties of logical systems
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