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Category:Monarchs of Portugal

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<nowiki>monarca de Portugal; monarque du Portugal; Portugalgo monarka; rei de Portugal; Monarch von Portugal; monarca de Portugal; манарх Партугаліі; Portugals monark; monarh Portugalske; monarca de Portugal; monark av Portugal; monarcha Portugalii; מונרך פורטוגל; vorst van Portugal; монарх Португалии; Monarka tal-Portugall; Monarc na Portaingéile; monarca del Portogallo; Monarch of Portugal; monarko de Portugalio; portugalský král; Portugals monark; cargo ocupado por el jefe de estado del reino de Portugal; кіраўнік Каралеўства Партугалія; kariga ta' kap ta' stat tar-Renju tal-Portugall; cap d'estat del Regne de Portugal; statsoverhode; occupied by the head of state of the Kingdom of Portugal; monarca de Portugal; sobirà de Portugal; reine de Portugal; roi de Portugal; Rei de Portugal; Rainha de Portugal; King of Portugal; Queen of Portugal; Monarca del reino de Portugal; Rey de Portugal; Reina de Portugal; Soberano de Portugal; portugalský panovník; kralj Portugalske; kraljica Portugalske</nowiki>
Monarch of Portugal 
occupied by the head of state of the Kingdom of Portugal
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Instance of
Subclass of
  • Portugal
Applies to jurisdiction
Has part(s)
  • Co-Monarch of Portugal
  • 1139
Dissolved, abolished or demolished date
  • 1910
  • Count of Portugal
Replaced by
Authority file
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Diese Kategorie beinhaltet Porträts portugiesischer Monarchen.
This category contains portraits of Portuguese monarchs.
Esta categoría incluye retratos de reyes de Portugal.
Cette catégorie-ci comporte des portraits des monarques portugais.
Esta categoria inclui retratos de Reis de Portugal.


This category has the following 49 subcategories, out of 49 total.








Media in category "Monarchs of Portugal"

The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total.