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<nowiki>Muhos; Muhos; Мухос; Muhos; Мухос; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; موهس; 穆霍斯; Muhos; მუჰოსი; موہوس; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhose vald; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; ムホス; Muhosa; Muhos; Muhos; Мухос; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; Muhos; موهوس; Μουχός; Muhos; munisipyo; commune finlandaise; conceyu de Finlandia; kommun i landskapet Norra Österbotten i Finland; gmina w Finlandii; kommune i Norra Österbotten i Finland; gemeente in Finland; община в области Северной Остроботнии Финляндии; بلدية في بوهيانما الشمالية، فنلندا; Gemeinde in Finnland; kunta Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunnassa; municipality in the region of Northern Ostrobothnia in Finland; komunumo en Finnlando; δήμος στην περιοχή της Βόρειας Οστροβοθνίας, στη Φινλανδία; finsk kommune; conceyu de Muhos; Muhos (conceyu de Finlandia); Muhoksen kunta</nowiki>
municipality in the region of Northern Ostrobothnia in Finland
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Instance of
Located in or next to body of water
Legislative body
  • Muhos municipal council
Official language
Headquarters location
  • Muhos parish village (Asematie 14, 91500 Muhos)
Legal form
  • 8,827 (2023)
  • 784.59 km² (land, 2023)
official website
Map64° 48′ 25″ N, 25° 59′ 40″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q986327
ISNI: 0000000474610813, 0000000405010128
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 2525815
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Deutsch: Muhos ist eine Gemeinde in der finnischen Landschaft Nordösterbotten.
English: Muhos is a municipality in the Northern Ostrobothnia region in Finland.
Suomi: Muhos on kunta Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla.
Svenska: Muhos är en kommun i landskapet Norra Österbotten i Finland.


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Media in category "Muhos"

The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total.