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<nowiki>Nicómaco de Gerasa; Nikomako Gerasakoa; Никомах Герасский; Nikomachos von Gerasa; Nicomachus; نیکوماخوس; 尼科马库斯; Nikomakhos fra Gerasa; Nicomachus; ニコマコス; Nicomacho; Nikomakos; Нікомах Гераський; Nicomachus; 尼各馬可; 尼各马科; Nikomakhos Gerasalainen; Nikomaĥo de Gerasa; Nikómachos z Gerasy; Nicomaco di Gerasa; নিকোমাকোস; Nicomaque de Gérase; Nikomachos z Gerazy; Νικόμαχος ο Γερασηνός; Nicômaco de Gerasa; نيکوماخوس; Nicomachus; Никомах Геразски; Никомах; Nikomah; Nicomachus; Nicômaco de Gerasa; Nicomachus; Nicomachus; Nikomakhos frå Gerasa; Nikomakhos fra Gerasa; Nikomaxus; Nicòmac de Gèrasa; Nikomah; Nicomachus; ניקומכוס; Nicómaco de Xerasa; نيقوماخس الجرشي; 尼各马科; 니코마코스; filósofo, matemático y teórico greco-sirio; ókori görög matematikus, filozófus; matemàtic de l'antiga Grècia; antiker Philosoph, Mathematiker und Musiktheoretiker; ریاضی‌دان در یونان باستان; старогрчки филозоф; matematician din Grecia antică; grekisk matematiker; starożytny matematyk i filozof; mathematicus; Greko-Suriyeli matematikçi (MS. yak. 60 - yak. 120); mathématicien grec de l'Antiquité; ಗಣಿತಜ್ಞ; matematico greco antico; Greco-Syrian mathematician (c. 60 – c. 120 AD); رياضي يوناني; starořecký matematik; wiskundige uit Romeinse Keizerrijk (60-120); Nicomaco de Gerasa; Nicomaco; Nicómaco; Nicomachus; Nicomaque de Gérasa; Никомах Геразенский; Никомах; Никомах из Герасы; Никомах Геразский; Nicomachus Gerasenus; Nicomachus Mathematicus; 尼各馬科; 尼各马可; Nicomachus; Nicòmac Gerasè; Νικόμαχος Γερασηνός; Nicomachus of Gerasa; نيقوماخس الجهراسيني; 尼哥瑪古; 尼各马科; Nicomachus Gerasenus</nowiki>
Greco-Syrian mathematician (c. 60 – c. 120 AD)
Nicòmac, segons un gravat del segle XVIII
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Name in native language
  • Νικόμαχος Γερασηνός
Date of birthc. 60
Jerash (Roman Syria)
Date of deathc. 120
Country of citizenship
Field of work
Authority file
Wikidata Q360366
ISNI: 0000000451127810
VIAF cluster ID: 316786767, 1254159474209827661799, 1309159248217804870004, 10156809563845122252, 30151776766518010763, 108895984
GND ID: 11864131X
Library of Congress authority ID: n84805968
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 13091584x
IdRef ID: 027047881
Libraries Australia ID: 35979875
SELIBR ID: 296326
National Library of Spain ID: XX1048261
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 068734816
NORAF ID: 90603238
NUKAT ID: n97062507
NLP ID (old): a0000001979753
Libris-URI: 0xbfjhrj15s0zxk
PLWABN ID: 9810596654105606
J9U ID: 987007266071605171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA01297812
Open Library ID: OL719917A
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English: Nicomachus (Greek: Νικόμαχος; c. 60 – c. 120) was an important mathematician in the ancient world and is best known for his works Introduction to Arithmetic (Arithmetike eisagoge) and Manual of Harmonics in Greek. He was born in Gerasa, in the Roman province of Syria (now Jerash, Jordan), and was strongly influenced by Aristotle. He was a Pythagorean.

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