Category:Norbert Brunner

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<nowiki>Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; ノルベルト・ブルンナー; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; نوربرت برونر; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Норберт Бруннер; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; نوربرت برونر; Norbert Brunner; Norbert Brunner; vescovo cattolico svizzero; スイスのカトリック聖職者; prélat catholique suisse; schweizisk präst; sveitsisk prest; sveitsisk prest; priester uit Zwitserland; римо-католицький єпископ; svájci rk. püspök; römisch-katholischer Bischof; کشیش سوئیسی; Swiss Catholic prelate; كهنوت سويسري; sacerdote católicu suizu; schweizisk præst</nowiki>
Norbert Brunner 
Swiss Catholic prelate
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Date of birth21 June 1942
Country of citizenship
Position held
Authority file
Wikidata Q115975
VIAF cluster ID: 201819442
GND ID: 188351094
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Media in category "Norbert Brunner"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.