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Category:Nord SS.11

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
<nowiki>Nord SS-11; Nord SS.11; SS.11; AGM-22; AGM-22; SS-11飛彈; SS.11 (ミサイル); SS.11; Nord SS.11; תגר; SS.11; Nord SS.11; Nord SS.11; SS.11; SS.11; Nord SS.11; إس إس 1.1; SS.11; Nord SS.11; missile anticarro francese; drahtgelenkte Panzerabwehr-Lenkwaffe aus französischer Produktion; 1956 anti-tank missile by Nord; טיל נגד טנקים מהדור הראשון; missile antichar français des années 1950 à 1980; SS.11; AGM-22; SS-11; Missiles SS11; Missile antichar ss 11; Missile Antichar SS 11; Missile antichar SS 11; Nord AS.11; AGM-22; Robot 52; SS.11; AS.11; Rb 52; SS.11; SS-11; AS.11; AGM-22; Nord SS.11; SS.11; Rannikko-ohjus 63; RO-63; AGM-22; SS.11 missile; AS.11; Nord AS.11; إس إس ١.١</nowiki>
Nord SS.11 
1956 anti-tank missile by Nord
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Instance of
  • weapon model
Subclass of
  • wire-guided anti-tank missile
Country of origin
Service entry
  • 1956
  • 130 cm
Total produced
  • 180,000
Authority file
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Media in category "Nord SS.11"

The following 35 files are in this category, out of 35 total.