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Category:North Province, Rwanda

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<nowiki>Provincia Norte; ઉત્તરીય પ્રાંત; Iparraldeko probintzia; Βόρεια Ρουάντα; Северная провинция; Mkoa wa Kaskazini; Intara y’Amajyaruguru y’u Rwanda; Йыдвел провинци; 北部省; استان شمالی; Северна провинция; Northern Province; Provincia de Nord; 北部州; Kuzey Eyaleti; Província del Nord; Intara y’Amajyaruguru; 北部省; Північна провінція; Төньяк провинциясе; 北部省; उत्तरी प्रांत; 北部省 (卢旺达); 북부주; Nuurd Prowins; Norda Provinco; Severní provincie; வடக்கு மாகாணம்; provincia Settentrionale; নর্দান প্রদেশ; Nord; Северна покраина; Põhjaprovints; 北部省; Província do Norte; Prowincja Północna; Provinsi Utara; उत्तर प्रांत; شمالی صوبہ، روانڈا; Tỉnh Phía Bắc; Northern Province; Ziemeļu province; Northern Province (lalawigan sa Rwanda); Šiaurės provincija; Severna provinca; Northern Province, Ruwanda; Nord provinsen; Pohjois-Ruanda; นอร์ทเทิร์น โพรวิ้น; Pak-pō͘ Séng (Rwanda); Nord provins; Nord; උතුරු පළාත; Nordprovinz; ಉತ್ತರ ಪ್ರಾಂತ್ಯ; ჩრდილოეთი პროვინცია; Northern Province; المقاطعة الشمالية; 北部省; ఉత్తర ప్రావిన్స్; provinca Ruande; province du Rwanda; επαρχία της Ρουάντα; Ruandako probintzia; provincia ruandese; provincie van Rwanda; одна из пяти провинции Руанды; one of Rwanda's five provinces; Provinz in Ruanda; yksi Ruandan maakunnista; prowins uun Ruanda; provinco de Ruando; provincie ve Rwandě; Una de les cinc províncies de Ruanda creada a l'any 2006 per descentralitzar el govern; Provincia Norte Ruanda; Prefektura Północna; 北方省; RW-03; Intara y’Amajyaruguru; Norte; RW-03; RW-03; Nord Province; ఉత్తర రాష్ట్రభాగం</nowiki>
Northern Province 
one of Rwanda's five provinces
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Instance of
Named after
  • 2006
Highest point
  • 1,726,370 (2012)
  • 2,038,511 (2022)
  • 3,276 km²
official website
Map1° 34′ 05″ S, 29° 54′ 37″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q845807
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 1708298
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English: North Province is one of Rwanda's five provinces. It was created in early January 2006 as part of a government decentralization program that re-organized the country's local government structures. North Province comprises most of the former provinces of Ruhengeri and Byumba, along with northern portions of Kigali Rural. It is divided into the districts of Burera, Gakenke, Gicumbi, Musanze and Rulindo. The capital city of North Province is Byumba.
Français : Province du Nord
Ikinyarwanda: Intara y’Amajyaruguru y’u Rwanda


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