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English: The
Northern Isles are a group of islands in Scotland. They consist of the
Orkney and
Shetland Islands.
<nowiki>Northern Isles; Northern Isles; Põhjasaared; Islles del Norte (Escocia); Északi-szigetek; 北部諸島; Northern Isles; Nordaj Insuloj; Oileáin Thuaidh; جزایر شمالی; 北方群島; Northern Isles; Northern Isles; شمالی جزائر; Isole del Nord; Northren Isles; Kepulauan Utara; Northern Isles; Na h-Eileanan a Tuath; Noordelijke Eilanden; Norþurīeġe; Norðureyjar; 北方群岛; 북방 군도; Northern Isles; الجزر الشمالية; Ynysoedd y Gogledd; Northern Isles; dve škotski otočji; スコットランド北部の諸島; szigetcsoport Skócia partjainál; kepulauan di Britania Raya; 2 eilean na h-Alba; eiland van het Verenigd Koninkrijk; 2 Scottish archipelagos; 2 Scottisċ īeġland; 2 ynysforoedd Sgotaidd; 2 schottische Archipele; 2 Scottish archipelagos; 2 skoskir eyjaklasar; 2 archipiélagos escoceses; 2 archipels britanniques; Islas del Norte; Nördliche Inseln; Norðreyjar; Northren Isles; Na h-Eileanan Tuath; Îles nordiques; Northern Isles</nowiki>
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.