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Category:Novohradské hory

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<nowiki>Crëps de Gratzen; Gratzener Bergland; Novohradské hory; Novohradské Hory; Novohradské hory; Novohradské hory; 格拉岑高地; Gratzener Bergland; Novohradské hory; Gratzen Mountains; Novohrada montaro; Novohradské Hory; جبال نوفوهرادسكى; Ciadëina de crëps te la Republica Ceca; Gebirgszug; سلسله جبليه فى تشيكيا; гірський хребет; mountains in Austria; mountain range along the border between the Czech Republic and the Austrian states of Upper and Lower Austria; Gebirgszug; سلسلة جبلية في النمسا; sliabhraon; mountains in Austria; pohoří nacházející se na hranici mezi Českem a Rakouskem; chaîne de montagnes autrichienne; Novohradské vrchy; Freiwald; Gratzener Bergland; Novohradské hory; Gratzener Gebirge; Freiwald (Böhmische Masse); Novohradské Hory</nowiki>
Gratzen Mountains 
mountain range along the border between the Czech Republic and the Austrian states of Upper and Lower Austria
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Instance of
Part of
Named after
LocationUpper Austria, Austria
Has part(s)
Highest point
Map48° 33′ 37.08″ N, 14° 37′ 23.88″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q1543660
GND ID: 4086790-0
NL CR AUT ID: ge130199
OpenStreetMap node ID: 5835015382
Mapy.cz ID: area&id=42
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Media in category "Novohradské hory"

The following 47 files are in this category, out of 47 total.