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<nowiki>Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Омсталь; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Омсталь; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; 奧姆斯塔爾; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Охмстал; Oomstu; Ohmstal; Омсталь; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; Ohmstal; comuna suiza del cantón de Lucerna; ancienne commune de Suisse; ort i kantonen Luzern, Schweiz; komunë në Zvicër; İsviçre'de belediye; gemeente in Luzern; قرية في سويسرا; es Dorf im Kanton Lozärn; něhdyša gmejna w Šwicarskej; Dorf des Kantons Luzern in der Schweiz; former municipality of Switzerland in Lucerne; komunumo de Svislando; obec v kantonu Lucern ve Švýcarsku; villaggio; Niederwil; Omstal; Омстал</nowiki>
former municipality of Switzerland in Lucerne
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Instance of
Official language
  • 307 (2012)
  • 4.48 km²
Elevation above sea level
  • 627 m
Replaced by
official website
Map47° 09′ 36″ N, 7° 56′ 50″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q67330
VIAF cluster ID: 243196299
GND ID: 4659874-1
HDS ID: 000677
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 1682904
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Alemannisch: Ohmstu isch bis Endi 2012 e politischi Gmeind im Kanton Lozärn in de Schwiiz gsi.
Deutsch: Ohmstal war bis Ende 2012 eine Gemeinde im Kanton Luzern in der Schweiz.
Esperanto: Ohmstal estas komunumo en Kantono Lucerno en Svislando.


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Media in category "Ohmstal"

The following 24 files are in this category, out of 24 total.