Category:Open access (publishing)
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Poniżej wyświetlono 44 spośród wszystkich 44 podkategorii tej kategorii.
- Access2Research (6 plików)
- Open access banners (11 plików)
- Bibliodiversity (1 plik)
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (2 pliki)
- Budapest Open Access Initiative (4 pliki)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (7 plików)
- ICanHazPDF (1 plik)
- JSL (8 plików)
- Media from Global Journal of Ecology (1 plik)
- Open Access File of the Day (1 strona, 1024 pliki)
- Open access logos and banners (95 plików)
- Open Access Reader (7 plików)
- Open Book Publishers (5 plików)
- Open-access policy (4 pliki)
- Paywall: The Business of Scholarship (6 plików)
- Postprint (5 plików)
- Public Knowledge Project (17 plików)
- Unpaywall (8 plików)
- Wikiageing (1 plik)
Strony w kategorii „Open access (publishing)”
W tej kategorii jest tylko jedna strona.
Pliki w kategorii „Open access (publishing)”
Poniżej wyświetlono 156 spośród wszystkich 156 plików w tej kategorii.
- 40 min 12 s; 18,84 MB
2015-02-09 philosophy 03-paywall by-David-Revoy.jpg 1830 × 616; 449 KB
2018 documentary 'Paywall – The Business of Scholarship'.ogg 1 godz. 4 min 48 s, 533 × 300; 280,72 MB
2021 WikiMeet Building a diamond open access journal on Wikimedia platform.pdf 1500 × 843, 38 stron; 2,93 MB
2022 LIBER strategic themes.png 5139 × 4639; 2,66 MB
2023 Plan S proposal for a future scholarly communication system (open science).pdf 1239 × 1752, 10 stron; 3,91 MB
ALS animal models, photos only.jpg 714 × 177; 93 KB
ALS animal models.jpg 1219 × 1280; 122 KB
ALS Disease Pathology and Proposed Disease Mechanisms.jpg 1052 × 1280; 194 KB
Authors Alliance - Understanding Open Access.pdf 787 × 1125, 140 stron; 535 KB
Benefitsofopenaccess cc-by logo cy PNG.png 789 × 649; 203 KB
Benefitsofopenaccess cc-by 1024 × 768; 264 KB
Benefitsofopenaccess cc-by logo.pd eng.jpg 2000 × 1500; 123 KB
Benefitsofopenaccess cc-by logo.pd swe.jpg 2000 × 1500; 138 KB
Biblioteche e Wikimedia GenOA Open Week 2022.pdf 2000 × 1125, 21 stron; 2,67 MB
Bombyx mori silk gland and schematic silk fiber assembly.png 1650 × 800; 661 KB
Bombyx mori silk gland.png 784 × 1132; 829 KB
Broszura KOED Open Access.pdf 1039 × 1477, 22 strony; 318 KB
Captura de tela de 2016-01-13 12-15-05.png 429 × 201; 16 KB
CCSD - Logotype 2021.svg 512 × 244; 24 KB
COLT - A Proposed Center for Teaching and Learning.pdf 1275 × 1650, 2 strony; 168 KB
Comment diffuser mon article en libre accès dans une archive ouverte.png 1024 × 768; 126 KB
Connecting the dots 20+ years of open in Australia.pdf 4000 × 2250; 683 KB
Copyright, Copyleft, and Wikimedia movement.pdf 1500 × 843, 99 stron; 7,71 MB
Cost distribution of diamond journals.jpg 1477 × 887; 87 KB
Cover OA Diamond Study.jpg 560 × 724; 72 KB
Creation date of diamond journals.jpg 537 × 356; 36 KB
Delmas-Glass open content Wikidata 4-16-2021 final.pdf 2000 × 1125, 27 stron; 7,7 MB
Dissertating in the open.png 1000 × 2141; 593 KB
DOAJ APCs.png 3102 × 2240; 129 KB
DOAJ licenses.png 3102 × 2240; 219 KB
Ecran set 01.png 536 × 440; 337 KB
Elsevier Embargo lengths.png 1612 × 2240; 78 KB
Enjeux science ouverte.png 553 × 644; 78 KB
Entretien avec Camille Maumet Neuroimagerie et sciences ouvertes.webm 45 min 39 s, 1920 × 1080; 850,37 MB
Face-oa.jpg 2048 × 1430; 343 KB
Finch Group report.pdf 1239 × 1752, 140 stron; 1,6 MB
Free data.jpg 2048 × 1152; 851 KB
Frontiers Logo 2.png 250 × 73; 4 KB
Frontiers Logo.png 144 × 58; 4 KB
GigaScience principles for reproducible research.jpg 1025 × 1031; 140 KB
Gold vs green OA at individual universities by year.webm 18 s, 720 × 576; 431 KB
Gold vs green OA at individual universities.jpg 2764 × 2043; 446 KB
How Open Access Empowered a 16-Year-Old to Make Cancer Breakthrough.ogv 4 min 0 s, 1920 × 1080; 71,08 MB
How open is it chart.jpg 1651 × 675; 320 KB
How to disseminate my paper in an open archive.png 1024 × 768; 104 KB
How to make your research open access? For free and legally.png 1200 × 2072; 344 KB
Imprint.png 1160 × 1160; 9 KB
Interview with Michael Eisen on Open Access.webm 16 min 50 s, 1920 × 1080; 233,77 MB
Invoice for an open access publishing fee.pdf 1275 × 1650; 119 KB
Jason Schmitt.png 2354 × 1362; 2,94 MB
JavnaTajna.pdf 1212 × 1206, 33 strony; 15,16 MB
La Science Ouverte dans les projets.png 1024 × 768; 129 KB
Logo OA-WFMS.svg 512 × 173; 31 KB
Logo-econstor.png 3263 × 863; 82 KB
Menara suar akademia.jpg 1765 × 2526; 1,33 MB
Mini Ada Lovelace Day and Wikipedia Editathon at Visva Bharati 2018.jpg 1054 × 1626; 550 KB
Models of self-archiving - Open Science Training Handbook 13.png 840 × 563; 260 KB
OA by subject.png 2193 × 860; 584 KB
OA by year.png 2676 × 936; 452 KB
OAW-table.png 639 × 477; 455 KB
Obligations publications ANR.png 490 × 491; 47 KB
Oddelena recenze.png 1600 × 900; 104 KB
Omställningen till ett öppet tillgängligt vetenskapligt publiceringssystem.pdf 1239 × 1752, 57 stron; 1,1 MB
OOO-Modell.png 2914 × 1120; 306 KB
Open Access - green, gold, diamond.tif 1126 × 1280; 4,12 MB
Open access addendum for authors to publishers.pdf 1275 × 1650; 112 KB
Open access and the humanities - contexts, controversies and the future.pdf 641 × 1012, 228 stron; 1,45 MB
Open Access Beate Eelend.webm 6 min 30 s, 1920 × 1080; 99,8 MB
Open Access by year according to Web of Science.png 4812 × 2710; 926 KB
Open access citation advantage.png 4029 × 2582; 542 KB
Open Access colours Venn (version français).svg 1004 × 744; 148 KB
Open Access colours Venn.png 1497 × 1046; 801 KB
Open Access colours Venn.svg 1071 × 787; 62 KB
Open access cultural heritage.pdf 825 × 825, 19 stron; 1011 KB
Open access dashboard COKI.png 1602 × 1526; 915 KB
Open Access in Context - Connecting Authors, Publications and Workflows Using ORCID Identifiers.pdf 1239 × 1752, 8 stron; 182 KB
Open Cultures.png 1280 × 720; 106 KB
Open for Business Wikimedia CRG event-2018.pdf 1500 × 843, 10 stron; 350 KB
Open Initiatives - Offenheit in der digitalen Welt und Wissenschaft.pdf 877 × 1239, 221 stron; 8,56 MB
OPEN LIBRARY BADGE 2016 01.jpg 1539 × 341; 146 KB
OPEN LIBRARY BADGE 2016 02.svg 823 × 170; 10 KB
OPEN LIBRARY BADGE 2020.jpg 2152 × 478; 136 KB
OPEN LIBRARY BADGE 2020.svg 2152 × 478; 20 KB
Open research.ogv 1 min 31 s, 768 × 520; 14,64 MB
Open Science Does Not Equal Open Access.svg 1052 × 744; 480 KB
Open Science into projects.png 1024 × 768; 121 KB
Open Science Pillars.png 507 × 459; 31 KB
OpenAccessButtonLogo.png 220 × 126; 11 KB
OpenCon Chandigarh.jpg 5184 × 3456; 6,67 MB
Optical Hole Burning Zollfrank PhD 1991.pdf 1241 × 1754, 129 stron; 37,81 MB
OS-ADM Fig 05 Open access publications worldwide.svg 512 × 411; 1,43 MB
OS-ADM pag.88 Open-access and fake open-access publishing routes.svg 512 × 492; 1,49 MB
OS-ADM Workflow Find your path to open access.svg 512 × 432; 2,6 MB
Otevrena ucast.png 1500 × 800; 100 KB
Penny Carnaby about open access.webm 2 min 52 s, 1280 × 720; 58,05 MB
Peter Suber at BOAI-10.ogv 3 min 11 s, 960 × 540; 27,38 MB
PhD Comics Open Access Week 2012.ogv 8 min 23 s, 900 × 720; 30,55 MB
PLOS ONE- Shaking Things Up.webm 5 min 28 s, 1280 × 720; 37,35 MB
PMC growth.png 3104 × 2240; 111 KB
Porovnani recenzi.png 1920 × 1080; 207 KB
Post-publikacni recenze.png 1500 × 800; 88 KB
Preprint postprint published bn.svg 480 × 548; 438 KB
Preprint postprint published-ca.svg 516 × 558; 850 KB
Preprint postprint published.svg 480 × 548; 59 KB
Presentation - WikiJournal of Medicine - WikiConference India 2016.pdf 1500 × 1125, 31 stron; 2,83 MB
Profiles of diamond journals.jpg 1007 × 1003; 240 KB
Reproducibility and rigor of biomedical research infographic.jpg 1371 × 1248; 770 KB
Research Works Act during SOPA blackout.pdf 1239 × 1752, 4 strony; 943 KB
Reusing Open Access materials on Wikimedia projects.ogv 1 min 22 s, 1920 × 1080; 17,72 MB
Rosario Rogel-Salazar.jpg 820 × 797; 184 KB
S2O-infographic-progress-2021-new.pdf 1275 × 810; 154 KB
Schematic hierarchical structure of gourd tendril.png 1103 × 659; 588 KB
Scholar business.svg 466 × 497; 1,5 MB
Scholarly Publishing - Gold Open Access chart.png 971 × 538; 119 KB
Sci-hub downloads.png 3105 × 2380; 144 KB
Science ouverte et sujets connexes.png 3000 × 3000; 832 KB
SciPost logo.png 1024 × 1024; 41 KB
SCOAP partners.jpg 4928 × 3280; 10,26 MB
Screenshot of the Open Access Button map.png 1140 × 498; 281 KB
Self-archiving step by step.png 1678 × 1954; 407 KB
Simone Aliprandi, Fare Open Access.pdf 700 × 1052, 195 stron; 2,3 MB
So your work is Open Access.pdf 1239 × 1752; 250 KB
Tenets of open science.svg 512 × 736; 133 KB
Thank you for practicing Open Science - Igsi8c4BjI8.webm 1 min 29 s, 1920 × 1080; 110,11 MB
The deals behind a transformative deal.jpg 1806 × 1346; 484 KB
The issues of Open Science.png 545 × 607; 71 KB
The Road to Genocide – The Propaganda Machine of the Self-declared Islamic State (IS).pdf 914 × 1387, 51 stron; 1,29 MB
Towards responsible publishing a proposal from cOAlition S - Summary.pdf 1239 × 1754; 1,81 MB
Transforming the way we publish research - APE 2012 talk.ogv 36 min 57 s, 640 × 352; 41,85 MB
Tyler lab meet 10-10-2008.pdf 1654 × 1239, 12 stron; 3,22 MB
UCL Press Open Access Megajournal platform launch.webm 12 min 35 s, 1920 × 1080; 78,41 MB
Vitek Tracz.jpg 1012 × 1190; 157 KB
VodaryParisLogo.png 426 × 224; 39 KB
Vägledning upphovsrätt 2023-01-12.pdf 1770 × 3541; 152 KB
Vägledning upphovsrätt fotografier 20220222.jpg 1134 × 2268; 610 KB
Welcome, Nature. Seriously. (from PLoS) (5405189157).pdf 833 × 1129; 66 KB
What is a web science unMooc?.webm 2 min 6 s, 1920 × 1080; 37,63 MB
Whats-Really-New-About-New-Atheism.pdf 1239 × 1629, 3 strony; 269 KB
Wikipedia and Reality.pdf 812 × 1275, 141 stron; 1,89 MB
WikiProject Open Access banner at PLoS Medicine.png 1280 × 800; 297 KB
World distribution of diamond journals.jpg 1499 × 491; 83 KB
Методические рекомендации по распространению, лицензированию и использованию материалов открытого доступа.pdf 872 × 1239, 31 stron; 477 KB
Открытый доступ 2016.ogv 8 min 23 s, 452 × 360; 25,86 MB