Category:Order of the National Coat of Arms
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Failid kategoorias "Order of the National Coat of Arms"
Järgmised 24 faili on selles kategoorias (kokku 24).
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms 1st class badge star.jpg 2001 × 2145; 517 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms 1st class badge.jpg 1661 × 1638; 650 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms 1st class star.jpg 1441 × 1449; 278 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms 2nd class badge.jpg 2101 × 2145; 548 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms 3rd class badge for Dames.jpg 3404 × 2707; 1,03 MB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms 5th class badge.jpg 2057 × 3680; 766 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms - 1st Class BAR.png 218 × 60; 5 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms - 2nd Class BAR.png 218 × 60; 5 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms - 3rd Class BAR.png 218 × 60; 5 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms - 4th Class BAR.png 218 × 60; 4 KB
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms - 5th Class BAR.png 218 × 60; 474 baiti
EST Order of the National Coat of Arms Collar BAR.png 218 × 60; 5 KB
Georgi-Rene Maksimovski.jpeg 1131 × 2393; 976 KB
Kersti Kaljulaid ja Toomas Hendrik Ilves abikaasadega (crop).jpg 617 × 759; 118 KB
Kersti Kaljulaid ja Toomas Hendrik Ilves abikaasadega (cropped2).jpg 2988 × 3042; 3,19 MB
Kersti Kaljulaid ja Toomas Hendrik Ilves abikaasadega.jpg 5151 × 3481; 3,27 MB
Marju Lauristin (cropped).jpg 1361 × 1507; 495 KB
Marju Lauristin ja Ene-Margit Tiit.jpg 3504 × 2336; 964 KB
Orde van het Rijkswapen Estland.jpg 116 × 310; 11 KB
Order of the National Coat of Arms.png 200 × 60; 1 KB
Rannar Vassiljev.jpg 1783 × 2382; 1,63 MB
Stamps of Latvia, 2008-08.jpg 296 × 415; 111 KB
Stamps of Lithuania, 2008-13.jpg 295 × 417; 119 KB
Vabariigi Presidendi ametisse astumise tseremoonia, Kersti Kaljulaid (crop2).jpg 1292 × 1387; 190 KB