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Category:Otto V, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg

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<nowiki>Otón V de Brunswick-Luneburgo; Othon V de Brunswick-Lunebourg; Otto V; Отто V Брауншвейг-Люнебургский; Otto V; Otto V, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg; Ото V (Брауншвайг-Люнебург); Otto V.; Otto V, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg; オットー5世 (ブラウンシュヴァイク=リューネブルク公); Otto II; Όθων Ε΄ του Λύνεμπουργκ; Otto den segerrike av Braunschweig-Lüneburg; Otto V.; Otto V.; Otto II van Brunswijk-Lüneburg; אוטו החמישי, דוכס בראונשווייג-לינבורג; Ottone V di Brunswick-Lüneburg; Othon V de Brunswick-Lunebourg; اوتو الخامس دوق برونزويك لونيبورج; Otto V, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg; 奧托二世; Otto V. Brunšvicko-Lüneburský; Otto V.; aristocratico tedesco; aristocrate allemand; aristócrata alemán (1439–1471); aristokrata alemaniarra; Fürst von Lüneburg (1464–1471); Duits aristocraat (1439-1471); aristòcrata alemany; князь Люнебурга; pendefig (1439-1471); aristocrata alemão; aristócrata alemán; Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Prince of Lüneburg; Δούκας του Μπράουνσβαϊγκ-Λύνεμπουργκ και πρίγκιπας του Λύνεμπουργκ; aristócrata alemán; Otto II. of Brunswick-Lüneburg; Othon ii de brunswick-lunebourg; Otto II. von Braunschweig-Lüneburg; Otto van Brunswijk-Luneburg; Otto van Brunswijk-Lüneburg; Otto van Brunswijk Luneburg; Otto II van Brunswijk-Lueneburg; Otto II van Brunswijk-Luneburg</nowiki>
Otto V, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg 
Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Prince of Lüneburg
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Date of birth1439 (statement with Gregorian date earlier than 1584), 1439
Date of death9 January 1471, 1464 (1464, –1471)
Place of burial
Country of citizenship
  • aristocrat
Noble title
Authority file
Wikidata Q70820
VIAF cluster ID: 160308940
GND ID: 142734780
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English: Otto, called the Victorious or the Magnanimous (1439 – 9 January 1471, German: Otto der Siegreiche, der Großmütige), was Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Prince of Lüneburg from 1457 to his death. He shared the principality with his brother, Bernard, until Bernard's death in 1464.
Deutsch: Otto V., der Siegreiche, auch der Großmütige (* nach 1418; † 1471) Herzog zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg, war von 1464 bis 1471 Fürst von Lüneburg.

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