Category:Paintings of Daedalus and Icarus
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Paintings of Daedalus and Icarus"
The following 42 files are in this category, out of 42 total.
Jan van Stinemolen - Rocky landscape with the fall of Icarus.jpg 1,500 × 1,032; 1.77 MB
Jan van Stinemolen - Rocky landscape with the fall of Icarus (detail of bridge).jpg 1,500 × 1,125; 411 KB
Jan van Stinemolen - Rocky landscape with the fall of Icarus (detail).jpg 1,500 × 1,125; 2.59 MB
Dedalo assiste alla morte di icaro, da pompei, 9506.JPG 1,716 × 1,752; 1.65 MB
Andrea del sarto (attr.), praparazione di icaro, 1506-1508 ca., 01.JPG 1,860 × 2,080; 3.19 MB
Ceiling of Rotunda of Apollo (Louvre).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 564 KB
Charles Le Brun - Daedalus and Icarus - WGA12535.jpg 836 × 1,253; 90 KB
Daedalus and Icarus at the mythological corridor in the Wallenstein Palace.jpg 8,992 × 8,992; 19.4 MB
Domenico Piola - Daedalus and Icarus - WGA17838.jpg 557 × 700; 67 KB
Dédalo e Ícaro - Pyotr Ivanovich Sokolov.jpg 1,063 × 1,451; 176 KB
Fall of Icarus Blondel decoration Louvre INV2624.jpg 2,580 × 2,930; 3.76 MB
Gowy-icaro-prado-199990.jpg 250 × 270; 36 KB
Gowy-icaro-prado.jpg 2,362 × 2,554; 5.77 MB
Gowy-icaro-pradoFXD.jpg 2,362 × 2,554; 1.22 MB
Rubens, Peter Paul - The Fall of Icarus.jpg 800 × 810; 168 KB
Icarus and Daedalus by George Snow Hill.jpg 2,967 × 2,870; 1.55 MB
Icarus by Pecheux.jpg 670 × 900; 115 KB
Joos de Momper Icarus.JPG 2,394 × 2,130; 1,004 KB
Joos de Momper IcarusFXD.jpg 2,394 × 2,130; 1.09 MB
Landon-IcarusandDaedalus.jpg 1,534 × 2,048; 406 KB
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (Joos de Momper d.y.) - Nationalmuseum - 17734.tif 4,506 × 4,053; 52.28 MB
Lord Frederick Leighton FLL006.jpg 1,127 × 1,534; 211 KB
MasoDaSanFrianoChuted'Icare.jpg 487 × 700; 51 KB
Oluf Hartmann - Daedalus og Icarus - 1905.png 2,150 × 3,019; 10.71 MB
Orazio Riminaldi - Daedalus and Icarus.jpg 876 × 1,200; 555 KB
Paesaggio con caduta di Icaro, Carlo Saraceni 001.JPG 2,022 × 1,535; 754 KB
Paesaggio con ratto di Ganimede, Carlo Saraceni 001.JPG 1,968 × 1,495; 862 KB
Paesaggio con sepoltura di Icaro, Carlo Saraceni 001.JPG 2,120 × 1,576; 849 KB
Paesaggio con volo di Icaro, Carlo Saraceni 001.JPG 1,982 × 1,416; 795 KB
Pieter Thijs - Daedalus and Icarus.jpg 812 × 1,086; 672 KB
Pieter Thijs - Daedalus attaching the wings of Icarus.jpeg 434 × 580; 183 KB
Pieter Thijs - Daedalus fixing wings onto the shoulders of Icarus.jpg 1,730 × 2,322; 4.6 MB
Pieter Thijs - Daedalus fixing wings onto the shoulders of IcarusFXD.jpg 1,730 × 2,322; 1.22 MB
The Fall of Icarus by Peter Paul Rubens.jpg 1,602 × 1,626; 1.51 MB
The Fall of Icarus, fresco from Pompeii, 40-79 AD.png 815 × 1,200; 2.73 MB
The life, letters and work of Frederic Leighton (1906) (14779192754).jpg 1,970 × 2,634; 669 KB
Tommaso d'Antonio Manzuoli 001.jpg 2,024 × 2,960; 413 KB