- English: Shield and stink bugs
- 日本語: カメムシ上科
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Arthropoda • Subphylum: Hexapoda • Classis: Insecta • Subclassis: Pterygota • Infraclassis: Neoptera • Superordo: Paraneoptera • Ordo: Hemiptera • Subordo: Heteroptera • Infraordo: Pentatomomorpha • Superfamilia: Pentatomoidea
No common name has yet been provided in this category
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Wikispecies has an entry on: Pentatomoidea. |
Type genus Pentatoma Olivier, 1789
superfamily of insects | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Taxon author | Odo Reuter, 1910 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This category has the following 13 subcategories, out of 13 total.
Media in category "Pentatomoidea"
The following 40 files are in this category, out of 40 total.
Birch shieldbug (FG) (6370161471).jpg 480 × 720; 124 KB
Hemiptera icon.svg 1,063 × 1,063; 26 KB
Heteroptera morphology-v+v+l.svg 2,098 × 726; 86 KB
Insect on leaf taken by me.jpg 2,592 × 4,608; 2.64 MB
Pentatomoidea on flower (26506361279).jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 11.21 MB
Pentatomoidea sp 2.jpg 4,080 × 3,060; 2.52 MB
Pentatomoidea sp- Chakkar bundh-shan-210422-4764.jpg 3,301 × 2,158; 670 KB
Pentatomoidea sp- Chakkar bundh-shan-210422-4818.jpg 3,588 × 2,266; 782 KB
Pentatomoidea sp.jpg 4,080 × 3,060; 2.79 MB
Red Shield Bug- Pentatomidae 01.jpg 2,941 × 2,941; 3.28 MB
Red Shield Bug- Pentatomidae 02.jpg 2,216 × 2,216; 1.99 MB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32586560700).jpg 1,800 × 1,200; 399 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32813144012).jpg 1,410 × 940; 266 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32813146212).jpg 1,575 × 1,050; 285 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32813147872).jpg 1,320 × 880; 194 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32842529271).jpg 1,695 × 1,130; 445 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32842530941).jpg 1,470 × 980; 419 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32842533991).jpg 1,545 × 1,030; 231 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32842535541).jpg 1,449 × 966; 226 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32842538411).jpg 1,410 × 940; 226 KB
Red-legged shieldbug (FG) (32842540921).jpg 1,440 × 960; 300 KB
Shield Bug (4333195247).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 4.28 MB
Shield bug (Hemiptera, Pentatomoidea) - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,487 × 1,532; 558 KB
Shield Bug ? (3779313841).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 4.07 MB
Shield Bug Nymphs? (3985781356).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 4.19 MB
Shield Bug Nymphs? (3985790048).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 4.38 MB
Shield Bug Nymphs? (3985798194).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 4.07 MB
Shield bug posing on a leaf, Sandy, Bedfordshire (9486336329).jpg 1,603 × 1,664; 384 KB
Shield bug- chakkarbundh - 12x19-7480.jpg 4,680 × 2,769; 702 KB
Shield Bug? (3639650278).jpg 261 × 297; 47 KB
Shield Bug? (3639650592).jpg 337 × 317; 54 KB
Shieldbug (6453581805).jpg 1,000 × 1,500; 351 KB
Shieldbug eggs (SG) (12840362074).jpg 826 × 1,239; 159 KB
Shieldbug family leaving home (BG) (7168617831).jpg 1,350 × 900; 306 KB
Slightly mysterious ladybird... (5856812575).jpg 1,242 × 934; 202 KB
Sloe shieldbug (SG) (7262785854).jpg 2,025 × 1,350; 739 KB
Sloe shieldbug (SG) (7262785862).jpg 1,440 × 960; 262 KB
Sloe shieldbug (SG) (7262785944).jpg 1,770 × 1,180; 447 KB
The shield bug.jpg 1,536 × 2,304; 876 KB