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Category:Pergaminho Vindel

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<nowiki>Пергамент Винделя; Pergamena Vindel; Vindel Parchment; Pergaminho Vindel; pergamiño Vindel; Pergamino Vindel; Pergamí Vindel; Vindel manuscript; Манускрипт конца XIII века с нотированными кантигами о друге Мартина Кодаса; mediaeval parchment fragment containing seven songs by Martín Codax; cancioneiro con sete cantigas de amigo de Martín Codax; fragmento de pergaminho medieval que contém sete canções por Martim Codax; Pergamiño Vindel; Vindel manuscript; Pergamino Vindel; Siete canciones de amor; Morgan Lib. MS M.979; pergameo Vindel</nowiki>
Vindel Parchment 
mediaeval parchment fragment containing seven songs by Martín Codax
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Instance of
Named after
Made from material
LocationThe Morgan Library & Museum, Manhattan, New York City, New York
Language of work or name
Inventory number
  • 13th century (second half)
Time of discovery or invention
  • 1914
  • 225 mm
  • 343 mm
Authority file
Wikidata Q980485
VIAF cluster ID: 5534152331609803260006
National Library of Spain ID: XX5735924
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Media in category "Pergaminho Vindel"

The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.