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Category:Pest insects

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English: Pest insects - Indigenous (native) or introduced species - of agriculture, gardening, and/or habitations.
  • Introduced pest species in natural habitats and ecosystems.
  • Can be the direct causes of damage or vectors for other means.
<nowiki>insetto nocivo; 害蟲; kártevő rovar; 해충; вредное насекомое; škodlivý hmyz; Plageinsekt; 害蟲; Насякомыя-шкоднікі сельскай гаспадаркі; Plaaginsect; 害虫; Pleachynsekt; škodljiva žuželka; 害虫; tuhohyönteinen; 害虫; skadeinsekt; owad-szkodnik; Комахи-шкідники сільського господарства; 害蟲; 害蟲; 害虫; Insecte ravageur; pilletivre; pest insect; مكافحة الحشرات; 害虫; insecte plaga; žuželka, ki je za človeka škodljiva ali težavna ali vsaj nezaželena; espèce d'insectes considérée comme nuisible; Ein Insekt welches für Menschen schädlich oder unerwünscht ist; an insect that is harmful or difficult for humans, at least undesirable.; insetto dannoso; insetto parassita; 蟲害; Ravageur; Ravageurs; Insecte Ravageur; Insecte nuisible; insecte nuisible; insecte ravageur; owad szkodnik; Schadinsekt; Insektenpest; Schädliches Insekt; pilletivreh; insect pest; noxious insect; destructive insect; injurious insect pest; injurious insect; destructive insect pest; kártékony rovar; 虫害; tuhohyönteiset; tuholaishyönteinen; tuholainen; tuholaiset</nowiki>
pest insect 
an insect that is harmful or difficult for humans, at least undesirable.
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Wikidata Q2366957
GND ID: 4124125-3
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85066645
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 119713200
NDL Authority ID: 00562156
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 7180
NL CR AUT ID: ph135690
J9U ID: 987007553128105171
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Media in category "Pest insects"

The following 34 files are in this category, out of 34 total.