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<nowiki>falo; fallosz; Falo; фаллос; Phallus; ffalws; phallus; فالو; Фалос; Fallos; fallus; ایستادگی پرستی; fallossymbol; פאלוס; Phallus; पुंश्चिह्न; Phallus; Fallossymboli; faluso; Falus; Simbolismo fallico; লিঙ্গমূর্তি; phallus; фалас; Falo; Falus; Phallus; phallus; фалос; fal·lus; falo; Falus; Falus; Fallus; Фалус; falus; phallus; Phallus; Phallus; Phallus; Fallicyzm; fallos; fallussymbool; 菲勒斯; Falas; 팔루스; Fallos; phallus; فالوس; Φαλλός; ファルス; simbologia di fertilità legata all'organo sessuale maschile; পুরুষ যৌনাঙ্গ সদৃশ বস্তু; péniszábrázolás, gyakran a termékenység jelképeként; символическое изображение эрегированного пениса; Fruchtbarkeitssymbol; پرستش خدایان مربوط به باروری از طریق نماد آلت تناسلی; 可以解读成象征阴茎的事物; erkeklik organı; 勃起した陰茎、あるいは陰茎のような形をしたオブジェ; aesthetic or practical object having penis-like quality, generally associated with rites and ceremonies of nature-worship supposed to have a magic influence in inducing fertility among the flocks and herds, as well as in the soil of the earth; עצם הדומה לפין; föremål föreställande en erigerad penis, med symbolisk betydelse i bland annat magi och religion; représentation figurée de l'organe sexuel masculin en érection; miehen sukupuolielintä kuvaava symboli; aesthetic or practical object having penis-like quality, generally associated with rites and ceremonies of nature-worship supposed to have a magic influence in inducing fertility among the flocks and herds, as well as in the soil of the earth; representación del miembro genital masculino; objek estetis atau praktis yang memiliki kualitas seperti penis, umumnya terkait dengan upacara dan upacara pemujaan alam yang dianggap memiliki pengaruh magis dalam mendorong kesuburan di antara kawanan domba dan ternak, serta di dalam tanah bumi.; estetski ali praktični predmet, podoben penisu, običajno povezan z obredi in ceremonijami čaščenja narave, ki naj bi imel magični vpliv na plodnost čred in zemlje; falični predmet; fallikus tárgy; falloszábrázolás; phallic object; objek falus; fallik obje; Fallos; фалл</nowiki>
aesthetic or practical object having penis-like quality, generally associated with rites and ceremonies of nature-worship supposed to have a magic influence in inducing fertility among the flocks and herds, as well as in the soil of the earth
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  • phallic symbol
DepictsAthena and helmet
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Wikidata Q168552
GND ID: 4045668-7
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85100563
BabelNet ID: 01330182n
J9U ID: 987007538711305171
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English: For the genus of fungus Phallus, see Category:Phallus (fungus).

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