Category:Pholiota highlandensis
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Fungi • Divisio: Basidiomycota • Subdivisio: Agaricomycotina • Classis: Agaricomycetes • Subclassis: Agaricomycetidae • Ordo: Agaricales • Familia: Strophariaceae • Genus: Pholiota • Species: Pholiota highlandensis (Peck) Singer 1952
- English: Palohelokka
- беларуская: Агнёўка вуглялюбная
- čeština: šupinovka spáleništní
- Cymraeg: cap cennog y poethfel
- Deutsch: Kohlen-Schüppling
- euskara: Baso erreetako egur-ziza
- suomi: palohelokka
- magyar: Szenes tőkegomba
- Nederlands: Brandplekbundelzwam
- polski: Łuskwiak wypaleniskowy
- русский: Чешуйчатка углелюбивая
- svenska: Kolflamskivling
- 中文: 高地鱗傘, 地生環銹傘
- 中文(中国大陆): 高地鳞伞
- 中文(臺灣): 高地鱗傘

Wikispecies has an entry on:
- Index Fungorum link: Pholiota highlandensis (Peck) Singer 1952 (+ MycoBank) (Warning: different Fungorum Id between wikidata 'Palohelokka' (127444) and wikicommons (522057))
- NCBI link: Pholiota highlandensis
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Media in category "Pholiota highlandensis"
The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.
Pholiota highlandensis (8863037961).jpg 4,528 × 3,018; 5.01 MB
Pholiota highlandensis - Pholiota carbonaria (6630168397).jpg 2,779 × 2,084; 1.64 MB
Pholiota highlandensis 268605.jpg 2,021 × 1,788; 2.01 MB
Pholiota highlandensis 293197.jpg 3,062 × 2,297; 1.73 MB
Pholiota highlandensis 293199.jpg 2,825 × 2,119; 1.68 MB
Pholiota highlandensis 462051.jpg 1,500 × 994; 1.32 MB
Pholiota highlandensis 521063.jpg 3,216 × 4,288; 3 MB
Pholiota highlandensis a1 (1).JPG 2,281 × 1,711; 1.41 MB
Pholiota highlandensis a1 (2).JPG 2,137 × 1,603; 977 KB
Pholiota highlandensis, Carbofil1.jpg 1,280 × 1,000; 464 KB
Pholiota highlandensis1.jpg 1,128 × 848; 347 KB