Category:Photographs by Anil Öztas/Lemur catta

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Photographs by Anil Öztas

All photos in this category were taken by Anil Öztas.
Please do not make any categorisations here, the photographer maintains them himself.

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Information about the animal

Cattas, also known as lemurs or ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), are a special type of primate native to Madagascar. They are distinguished by their characteristic black and white fur markings, which give them a striking appearance. The tree-dwelling lemurs are known for their acrobatic skills and leaping abilities. They spend most of their lives in the treetops, moving from branch to branch with ease. Their long hind legs and tail serve them as a balanced posture and as a rudder when jumping. They live in large social groups dominated by females and feed mainly on fruits, leaves and other plants. Their diet consists mainly of plant food. They feed on a variety of plants including fruits, leaves, flowers, bark and nectar. This varied diet allows them to meet their nutritional needs and adapt to seasonal changes in food availability. Unfortunately, due to the loss of their natural habitat and the fragmentation of their populations by human activities, calicoes are under threat. Deforestation, illegal hunting and the exotic pet trade are some of the main reasons for their decline. Numerous protection measures and conservation programmes are underway to ensure the preservation of this fascinating primate species.

Media in category "Photographs by Anil Öztas/Lemur catta"

The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.