Category:Piano action
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See also category: Harpsichord action.
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
- Double actions (1 F)
- Piano dampers (8 F)
- Repetition actions (3 F)
- Square-piano actions (4 F)
- Upright-piano actions (3 F)
Media in category "Piano action"
The following 91 files are in this category, out of 91 total.
1842wornumfig4.svg 531 × 156; 72 KB
1843 polytechnischesjournal t9 f29f30.svg 603 × 503; 65 KB
1970 Danemann School Piano.jpg 5,616 × 3,744; 7.8 MB
American french square action.svg 1,224 × 706; 71 KB
Berlin- Musical instruments- Action of the Grand Piano - 4050.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 3.58 MB
Boesendorfer Vienna 001.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 3.61 MB
Britannica Pianoforte Backers Grand Piano Action 1776.png 935 × 740; 18 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Broadwood Grand Piano Action 1884.png 930 × 520; 17 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Cary Repeating Action.png 498 × 1,819; 24 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Collard Grand Piano Action 1884.png 937 × 487; 22 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Cristofori Escapement Action.png 933 × 478; 17 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Erard Double Escapement Action.png 943 × 548; 22 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Frederici Upright Grand Piano Action.png 573 × 831; 15 KB
Britannica Pianoforte German Square Action 1783.png 947 × 380; 12 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Schroeter Action Model.png 784 × 464; 14 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Stein Action.png 928 × 227; 7 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Steinway Grand Piano Action.png 926 × 488; 20 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Wornum Upright Action.png 372 × 1,030; 14 KB
Britannica Pianoforte Zumpe Square Piano Action.png 929 × 333; 11 KB
Broadwood grand square action.svg 1,224 × 614; 54 KB
Celesta Schiedmayer mechanism.gif 397 × 204; 57 KB
Colocación de las teclas y de los martillos (1882).jpg 1,269 × 1,407; 392 KB
Cross-stringed piano Inside.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 910 KB
David Klavins Modell-370 Klaviatur.jpg 2,981 × 1,988; 609 KB
Demolition of upright Knabe piano top panel removed.JPG 1,533 × 1,034; 334 KB
Digital piano hammer action diagram.svg 370 × 200; 10 KB
Double escapement1.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 321 KB
Double escapement2.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 319 KB
Double escapement3.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 317 KB
Doubleaction.JPG 850 × 355; 29 KB
Englischemechanik.JPG 1,055 × 581; 129 KB
Erard double pilot action.svg 1,225 × 750; 68 KB
Flügelmechanik MIM.jpg 2,945 × 1,502; 2.46 MB
Fortepian - mechanizm angielski 2.svg 800 × 590; 158 KB
Fortepian - mechanizm angielski.svg 800 × 625; 99 KB
Fortepian - mechanizm wiedeński.svg 800 × 625; 245 KB
Grand piano action - Behind the Keys, at piano shop Steinway Pianos of Calgary.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 927 KB
Grand piano action - lots of levers, at piano shop Steinway Pianos of Calgary.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 1.05 MB
Grand piano action - Piano Hammers, at piano shop Steinway Pianos of Calgary.jpg 3,096 × 4,128; 968 KB
Grand piano action - Piano Knuckles, at piano shop Steinway Pianos of Calgary.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 1.19 MB
Grand piano action in slow motion.webm 3.7 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 1.21 MB
Gulbransen Spinet Piano - bottm of action mechanism & iron frame.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 901 KB
Handwork.JPG 400 × 269; 172 KB
Kawai UST8 Action Wide Photo.JPG 2,816 × 2,112; 3.42 MB
Kawaii continental upright inside.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1,017 KB
Klavierbauer.jpg 683 × 1,024; 258 KB
Mecanismo de los martillos y de las teclas (1882).jpg 2,049 × 925; 406 KB
Mech2 edited.jpg 1,586 × 1,169; 249 KB
Mechanism piano 2.jpg 2,304 × 3,456; 2.44 MB
Mechanism piano.jpg 2,304 × 3,456; 2.67 MB
Mechanizm fortepianu sommerfeld.JPG 2,451 × 1,620; 1.05 MB
Mechanizm fortepianu wiedeńskiego 01.jpg 2,576 × 1,932; 1.08 MB
MontalRepetitionUpright1.jpg 3,059 × 3,545; 8.85 MB
Munich - Deutsches Museum - 07-9693.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 2.75 MB
Musikinstrumenten-Museum Berlin - Mechanikmodell eines Hammerflügels - 1106403.jpg 2,500 × 1,660; 524 KB
Musikinstrumenten-Museum Berlin - Mechanikmodell eines Hammerflügels - 1108209.jpg 1,400 × 875; 1.21 MB
Oberschlaegigemechanik.JPG 862 × 493; 77 KB
PennyCyclopediaWornumFig12.svg 687 × 587; 36 KB
PennyEncyclopediaWornumFig9.svg 675 × 194; 45 KB
Pianino - mechanizm angielski.svg 560 × 1,125; 49 KB
Pianino - mechanizm wiedeński.svg 560 × 1,125; 48 KB
Pianino - mechanizm.jpg 2,043 × 1,419; 2.94 MB
Pianino Legnica inside.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.24 MB
Pianino Sommerfeld inside.jpg 400 × 269; 35 KB
Piano action - Project Gutenberg eText 17571.jpg 1,430 × 1,563; 286 KB
Piano action model Kraków.jpg 3,586 × 2,483; 1.01 MB
Pneumatic piano - Pneumatic motor.png 260 × 445; 69 KB
Pneumatic piano.png 964 × 1,571; 647 KB
Prellmechanik.JPG 1,103 × 398; 48 KB
Prellzungenmechanik.JPG 1,163 × 451; 34 KB
PSM V40 D509 Section of the improved upright action.jpg 367 × 845; 38 KB
PSM V40 D511 Behr brothers piano hammer and stringing device vs ordinary.jpg 969 × 1,095; 118 KB
PSM V40 D512 Steinway grand repitition action 1875.jpg 1,492 × 410; 49 KB
Pyramidenfluegel-mechanism.jpg 2,607 × 2,510; 1.79 MB
Repetitionsmechanik.JPG 1,133 × 485; 80 KB
Rimbaultp191fig2.svg 569 × 544; 39 KB
Singleaction.JPG 770 × 283; 20 KB
Steinmechanik.JPG 1,163 × 451; 52 KB
Steinway-Flügel.jpg 2,130 × 1,113; 1.37 MB
Tangentenmechanik.JPG 723 × 370; 38 KB
Upright piano inside mechanism.jpg 2,304 × 3,456; 2.32 MB
Upright piano inside.jpg 2,288 × 1,712; 823 KB
US1970 18410210 mannerofconstructingtheactionpartofpianofortes fig1.svg 539 × 327; 106 KB
US3548 18440417 pianoforte fig1.svg 600 × 350; 52 KB
Wienner Klaviermechanik.png 1,250 × 714; 16 KB
Wornum5384.svg 465 × 1,224; 27 KB
Zumpe english single square action.svg 1,224 × 484; 44 KB