Category:Plant pathology
Deutsch: Phytopathologie, Pflanzenpathologie
English: phytopathology, plant pathology, pathology of plants
Esperanto: fitopatologio, plant-patologio, planta patologio, patologio de plantoj
Polski: fitopatologia, patologia roślin
Русский: фитопатология, патология растений
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Medien in der Kategorie „Plant pathology“
Folgende 81 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 81 insgesamt.
A tumefaciens disease cycle.jpg 3.356 × 2.189; 1,25 MB
Alteranira Alternata.jpg 588 × 1.280; 50 KB
Bacillus subtilis QST 713 and Rhizoctonia solani antogonism.jpg 4.000 × 3.000; 4,46 MB
Brinjal Little leaf phytoplasma.jpg 3.168 × 4.752; 5,2 MB
C. Sorghi conidia.png 252 × 251; 77 KB
Canfranc 1993 04.jpg 710 × 1.072; 785 KB
Characterization-of-Overwintering-Sites-of-the-Invasive-Brown-Marmorated-Stink-Bug-in-Natural-pone.0091575.s001.ogv 2 min 1 s, 640 × 480; 9,35 MB
China Aster Phyllody Phytoplasma.jpg 1.359 × 661; 143 KB
Co-regulation-of-Iron-Metabolism-and-Virulence-Associated-Functions-by-Iron-and-XibR-a-Novel-Iron-ppat.1006019.s017.ogv 9,9 s, 1.392 × 1.040; 3,27 MB
Cornelius Lott Shear NAL 1937b1702b440bf997be0a2f462f1591811b.jpg 655 × 1.000; 367 KB
Corynespora cassiicola Ring-Spot Symptoms on Tomato Skin.png 543 × 433; 410 KB
Corynespora cassiicola Severe Foliar Damade in Tomato Field.png 515 × 406; 408 KB
Crown Gall of Sunflower.jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 1,41 MB
Disease Cycle of A. tumefaciens.jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 1,75 MB
Diseased Plant.png 1.722 × 1.266; 1,88 MB
Downy Mildew on 'Valiant' cultivar (Vitis vinifera x Vitis labrusca x Vitis riparia).jpg 1.836 × 3.264; 1,82 MB
Downy Mildew Sporangia on LaCrosse Trap Plant 2015.jpg 1.240 × 1.263; 325 KB
Dr. Ismail Aly Ibrahim.jpg 817 × 1.231; 52 KB
Escaping-Underground-Nets-Extracellular-DNases-Degrade-Plant-Extracellular-Traps-and-Contribute-to-ppat.1005686.s003.ogv 2 min 33 s, 1.280 × 960; 10,33 MB
Infected Sorghum.png 414 × 478; 536 KB
Investigation-of-6-18F-Fluoromaltose-as-a-Novel-PET-Tracer-for-Imaging-Bacterial-Infection-pone.0107951.s002.ogv 15 s, 1.600 × 1.088; 4,46 MB
K7690-12scientists.jpg 640 × 843; 166 KB
Leaf curl on leaf and young shoots of peach.jpg 1.207 × 800; 357 KB
Leaf curl on peach.jpg 1.067 × 889; 421 KB
Little leaf disease of Cleome viscosa.jpg 1.129 × 887; 303 KB
OakWiltHerbarium2.png 1.492 × 2.128; 2,14 MB
Pamela Ronald at Pop!Tech 2008.jpg 683 × 1.024; 396 KB
Pathogens of Ficaria verna Huds.png 2.730 × 1.365; 5,06 MB
Pathogens of Succisa pratensis Moench.png 4.961 × 7.016; 44,84 MB
Potato mop top virus 2012.jpg 1.232 × 423; 92 KB
Potato smut.jpg 3.072 × 2.221; 468 KB
Powdery Mildew in Soyabean leaves.jpg 2.560 × 1.536; 1,6 MB
Puccinia Menthae sur tige de menthe.jpg 1.732 × 2.309; 1,09 MB
Pycnidium Mycosphaerella graminicola.jpg 1.737 × 2.279; 953 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s001.ogv 22 s, 480 × 320; 243 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s002.ogv 22 s, 480 × 320; 351 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s003.ogv 16 s, 480 × 320; 212 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s004.ogv 22 s, 480 × 320; 266 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s005.ogv 27 s, 480 × 320; 933 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s006.ogv 23 s, 480 × 320; 335 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s007.ogv 19 s, 480 × 320; 287 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s008.ogv 19 s, 480 × 320; 246 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s009.ogv 16 s, 480 × 320; 302 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s010.ogv 22 s, 480 × 320; 172 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s011.ogv 27 s, 480 × 320; 699 KB
Quorum-Sensing-Controls-Flagellar-Morphogenesis-in-Burkholderia-glumae-pone.0084831.s012.ogv 23 s, 480 × 320; 250 KB
Rice grains infected with false smut.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 9,82 MB
Ring nematode life cycle.pdf 1.275 × 1.650; 16 KB
Rostrup-II-frontcover.jpg 1.332 × 2.171; 6,42 MB
Ruscus hypoglossum skeletonized leaves.jpg 1.920 × 2.560; 1,9 MB
Salicylic-Acid-a-Plant-Defense-Hormone-Is-Specifically-Secreted-by-a-Molluscan-Herbivore-pone.0086500.s001.ogv 5 min 0 s, 1.600 × 1.200; 43,8 MB
Sclerotia comparison of C. sorghi against C. africana.png 460 × 227; 189 KB
Septoria lycopersici malagutii leaf spot on tomato leaf.jpg 768 × 402; 148 KB
Sorghum Ergot.png 600 × 580; 457 KB
Soybean Phytoplasm.jpg 3.017 × 1.939; 1,83 MB
Stone Fruit Disease Cycle.jpg 589 × 472; 52 KB
Vanda hybrid with Fusarium infection.jpg 2.780 × 3.760; 3,53 MB
Vanda stem infection.jpg 636 × 636; 73 KB
Xanthomonas campestris pv raphani symptoms savoy cabbage.jpg 1.809 × 1.308; 1,1 MB
Xanthomonasnasturii.jpg 943 × 1.280; 1,24 MB
ZA Patrick.jpg 13.327 × 8.999; 38,56 MB
Рослина-паразит на шипшині.jpg 3.120 × 4.160; 3,88 MB
ФАУ.png 503 × 493; 94 KB
இலைப்புள்ளி நோய்.jpg 1.840 × 3.264; 1,6 MB