antiker griechischer Philosoph | |||||
Medium hochladen | |||||
Audiodatei eines gesprochenen Texts | |||||
Name in dr Muetersproch |
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Geburtsdatum | 420er Jahre v. Chr. (nach 428 v. Chr., vor 427 v. Chr.) Athen Ἀριστοκλῆς | ||||
Dodesdatum | 340er Jahre v. Chr. (nach 348 v. Chr., vor 347 v. Chr.) Athen | ||||
Ort vum Grab |
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Staatsaagherigkait | |||||
Bruef |
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Amt | |||||
Arbetsbiet |
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Bewegig | |||||
Muetersproch | |||||
Vater |
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Mueter |
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Geschwister |
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Wärch |
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Kommt vor in | |||||
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S wäre 17 vu insgsamt 17 Unterkategorie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
- Books about Plato (33 D)
- Plato (crater) (44 D)
- Mathematicism (2 D)
- Pythagoras and the smithy (34 D)
- Representative Men (15 D)
- Rue Platon (Paris) (4 D)
- Theory of Forms (14 D)
Medie in dr Kategori „Plato“
S wäre 69 vu insgsamt 69 Dateie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
3 Levels of Human Nature.jpg 796 × 624; 150 KB
Avicenna, Libri canonis. Wellcome L0023858.jpg 1.118 × 1.622; 1.016 KB
Beacon lights of history. (The world's heroes and master minds) (1888) (14576750649).jpg 1.562 × 2.058; 907 KB
Being Plato.png 822 × 786; 16 KB
Belief Venn diagram rue.svg 617 × 394; 5 KB
Belief venn diagram.png 800 × 545; 21 KB
Belief Venn diagram.svg 658 × 420; 6 KB
Bodleian Libraries, Mirror.jpg 630 × 1.000; 131 KB
Boethius 's Instutione Musica, Cambridge University Library Ii 3.12 fol 61v.jpg 1.066 × 1.490; 558 KB
Central square theory - pythagorean triples of Plato's family - Teia.jpg 683 × 673; 109 KB
Central square theory - pythagorean triples of Pythagoras' family - Teia.jpg 1.157 × 1.347; 301 KB
Central square theory - squares of Plato's family - Teia.jpg 665 × 656; 106 KB
Central square theory - squares of Pythagoras' family - Teia.jpg 502 × 454; 82 KB
Coin of Trajan with Plato's head on the obverse - Fanelli Francesco - 1695.jpg 1.049 × 652; 286 KB
Constudplato.png 434 × 372; 8 KB
De-Platon.ogg 1,9 s; 18 KB
Dihairese.jpg 960 × 720; 64 KB
Dionysus-or-Plato-Herculaneum-papyri-Villa-of-the-Papyri-Barker.jpg 548 × 746; 117 KB
Diova hlava (Plato).JPG 3.264 × 2.448; 3,84 MB
Francesco Patrizi - Nova de universis philosophia - part content.png 493 × 705; 651 KB
Fresco showing a young man with a scroll labelled "Plato", from Pompeii.jpg 1.636 × 1.654; 1,4 MB
Gedenkplaat Platostraat.jpg 4.608 × 3.456; 7,7 MB
Giovani lettori di Platone.jpg 1.662 × 1.157; 475 KB
Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to AD. 14, page 355, Plato.jpg 1.780 × 2.700; 631 KB
Ikusgela – Platon.webm 7 min 23 s, 1.920 × 1.080; 242,19 MB
Immanuel Kant - die Persönlichkeit als Einführung in das Werk (1916) (14595549349).jpg 1.760 × 1.872; 291 KB
Köpfe-1.jpg 1.732 × 200; 242 KB
Leonico Tomeo - Opuscula, s. d. - 118440.jpg 614 × 950; 161 KB
Libra point, Xi platonic.png 1.085 × 589; 35 KB
Lélekvándorlás - Platón.svg 325 × 321; 287 KB
Mathematics Will Draw the Soul Towards Truth (33489916482).jpg 5.091 × 3.305; 2,99 MB
Meyers b18 s0741.jpg 800 × 1.263; 421 KB
Modèle de Platon de la connaissance fr.gif 1.100 × 778; 36 KB
Plato (transparent).png 400 × 624; 396 KB
Plato ; portrait painting.jpg 3.000 × 4.000; 4,06 MB
Plato by Leonidas Drosis on May 7, 2022.jpg 3.881 × 5.822; 13,6 MB
Plato citation about healing — German.png 810 × 810; 75 KB
Plato's quote about man.jpg 600 × 241; 33 KB
Plato's Republic The Five Regimes.jpg 1.920 × 1.080; 624 KB
Plato's Theory of Forms (empty).jpg 1.000 × 1.000; 171 KB
Plato-nicomachus.jpg 1.025 × 698; 510 KB
Plato.gif 127 × 31; 817 Bytes
Platon Philosophe Grec. (BM 1879,1213.123).jpg 922 × 1.600; 480 KB
Platon ungeschriebene Lehre.PNG 869 × 635; 105 KB
Platon.png 314 × 354; 183 KB
Platonic and Aristotelian Forms.svg 1.052 × 744; 627 KB
Platonis opera quae extant omnia (1578) (14777373675).jpg 2.770 × 1.136; 595 KB
Platão - Mundo Sensível x Inteligível - eo.svg 1.052 × 744; 1,14 MB
Platão - Mundo Sensível x Inteligível - pt.svg 1.052 × 744; 646 KB
Plató 200 de televisión.jpg 1.024 × 682; 77 KB
PortalPhilosophers.jpg 894 × 90; 29 KB
Quote From Plato About Fasting.jpg 2.278 × 1.225; 379 KB
Republic - Plato (Jowett) - title page border.png 1.732 × 2.581; 1,09 MB
Sanzio 01 Plato Aristotle-2010-16-09.jpg 402 × 402; 156 KB
Schedelsche Weltchronik d 074.jpg 5.790 × 4.249; 2,16 MB
Semiotische driehoek Plato.jpg 323 × 258; 14 KB
Semiotische driehoek volgens Plato.jpg 323 × 258; 14 KB
Sixteen portraits of classical poets and thinkers. Drawing, Wellcome V0009100.jpg 2.492 × 3.437; 3,35 MB
Tente mover o mundo. O primeiro passo será mover a si mesmo. Platão - Nova Acrópole.jpg 3.864 × 5.152; 6,62 MB
Teoria de conocimiento Platon.jpg 571 × 418; 41 KB
The Three Essences in Plato’s Timaeus.jpg 778 × 601; 39 KB
The Three Levels of the Platonic Cosmos.jpg 731 × 605; 33 KB
Uc2.ark 13960 t8rb76g72-seq 443 (cropped Plato).jpg 418 × 456; 64 KB
مجموعة فلسفة أبي نصر الفارابي.pdf 2.616 × 3.750, 214 Syte; 30,83 MB
- Platon (given name)
- 420s BC births
- 340s BC deaths
- Ancient Greek philosophers
- Ancient Greek people by name
- Platonist philosophers
- Births in Athens
- People depicted in the Nuremberg Chronicle
- Epistemologists
- 4th-century BC poets
- Epigrammatists of the Greek Anthology
- Plato (given name)
- History of Public administration theory
- Mononyms