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Italiano: Scrittori teatrali (drammaturgi, tragediografi e commediografi).

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Es werden 23 von insgesamt 23 Unterkategorien in dieser Kategorie angezeigt:
In Klammern die Anzahl der enthaltenen Kategorien (K), Seiten (S), Dateien (D)
- LGBT playwrights (2 D)
- Gaston Baty (3 D)
- Beulah King (14 D)
- Deusdedit Criado (3 D)
- Lucie Gougat (1 D)
- Rashid Zagidullin (1 D)
- Ariana Reines (2 D)
- Zia Soares (2 D)
- Diana Stein (4 D)
Medien in der Kategorie „Playwrights“
Folgende 200 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 266 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)-
"City of Osl skyline from Pernille Mercury Lindstad city - Sept 2020.jpg".jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 8,17 MB
01 Peter Mueller-Buchow.png 920 × 1.385; 650 KB
02 Peter Mueller-Buchow.png 230 × 332; 139 KB
03a P M-B Figaros Hochzeit.png 453 × 549; 415 KB
1910 March Sunset cover portrait of poet George Sterling by James Arthur Cahill.tif 2.663 × 3.900; 29,74 MB
1917 Jan 5 display ad for Los Angeles premiere of The Play of Everyman by George Sterling.png 14.646 × 18.067; 154 KB
1926 July George Sterling in Bohemian Grove under Truth painting.jpg 810 × 1.099; 186 KB
1926 Lilith page 44 upside-down dialog.png 2.202 × 563; 2,65 MB
Acta Fundacion Argentores 1910.jpg 897 × 683; 490 KB
Adrienne Herndon portrait.jpg 569 × 800; 440 KB
Al-Amin Khan Sagar.jpg 2.048 × 1.362; 308 KB
Alex Waltz - Des Poissons dans les Arbres.jpg 720 × 405; 228 KB
Alice Mary Cooper in Queen Mary's House in Jedburgh.jpg 6.000 × 8.000; 13 MB
Amado del Pino por Tania Cordero.jpg 340 × 712; 35 KB
Amaranta Osorio photo 2019 (2).jpg 720 × 960; 92 KB
Amy C Wheeler in her home studio at Ingleside Hall on Whidbey Island.png 480 × 480; 252 KB
AnnFirestoneUngar.jpg 640 × 480; 123 KB
AnosovAnton.jpg 1.064 × 705; 195 KB
Arthur Milner, Image 1 - A Night of Palestine and Israel.jpg 3.456 × 5.184; 7,88 MB
Asya.voloshina-2.png 640 × 480; 275 KB
August Kiehl 1915.jpg 469 × 512; 83 KB
August Kiehl by Wybo Meijer.jpg 729 × 951; 482 KB
Author and playwrite H Rider Haggard (SAYRE 3959).jpg 1.095 × 1.581; 169 KB
Author and playwrite Richard Harding Davis (SAYRE 22364).jpg 1.440 × 2.114; 278 KB
Balkrishna Sama1.jpg 4.032 × 3.016; 7,28 MB
Balkrishna Sama2.jpg 4.032 × 3.016; 7,41 MB
Balkrishna Sama3.jpg 3.016 × 4.032; 6,87 MB
Ballet Flore.jpg 489 × 670; 109 KB
Bhanubhakta Acharya.jpg 300 × 421; 19 KB
BhikhariThakur2.ogg 2,6 s; 50 KB
Bibliioteca de Argentores.png 719 × 416; 349 KB
Björn Bicker.jpg 4.864 × 3.648; 3,34 MB
Biljana Srbljanović (B&W).jpg 695 × 895; 321 KB
Biljana Srbljanović (JPEG).jpg 695 × 895; 362 KB
Biljana Srbljanović 2.tif 695 × 906; 1.019 KB
Bozenna Intrator 01.jpg 388 × 486; 172 KB
Branislav nusic.jpg 2.564 × 2.084; 3,29 MB
Bruce Norris, playwright.jpg 1.315 × 1.674; 518 KB
Carole Thibaut.jpg 339 × 398; 25 KB
Caryl Churchill, playwright.jpg 1.328 × 1.561; 3,82 MB
Celeste Bedford Walker.jpg 900 × 818; 213 KB
Charles Haddon Chambers 001.jpg 1.720 × 2.279; 702 KB
Chelsea Woolley.jpg 2.256 × 3.500; 3,18 MB
Christine Houston.jpg 289 × 236; 19 KB
Class Act in Togliatti 2009.jpg 2.592 × 3.872; 1,58 MB
Constantin D Tușinschi Constantin Ritter von Tuschinski 13 August 1976.jpg 1.804 × 2.475; 2,02 MB
Constantin D Tușinschi Constantin Ritter von Tuschinski 1948 Colorized.jpg 1.908 × 2.716; 2,05 MB
Constantin D Tușinschi Constantin Ritter von Tuschinski 1948.jpg 1.908 × 2.716; 1,66 MB
Constantin D Tușinschi Constantin Ritter von Tuschinski March 1935 Colorized.jpg 2.393 × 3.601; 4,11 MB
Constantin D Tușinschi Constantin Ritter von Tuschinski March 1935.jpg 2.393 × 3.601; 3,39 MB
Constantin D Tușinschi Tuschinski 1970s Portrait Colorized.jpg 1.545 × 2.500; 2,63 MB
Constantin D Tușinschi Tuschinski 1970s Portrait.jpg 1.545 × 2.500; 2,23 MB
Current War 17 Andriod.jpg 799 × 960; 57 KB
Cusi Cram, American Playwright.jpg 640 × 480; 78 KB
DamonDiMarco.jpg 1.001 × 1.211; 330 KB
Dan Hadani collection (990040196520205171).jpg 1.862 × 3.029; 1,19 MB
DAVIDHENRYHWANG1979.jpg 1.410 × 1.101; 388 KB
Detalle fachada Argentores.png 887 × 695; 350 KB
Discussion - Ball 1.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 985 KB
Discussion - Ball 2.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 1.001 KB
Discussion - Ball 3.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 805 KB
Discussion - Ball 4.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 795 KB
Discussion - Ball 5.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 916 KB
Discussion - Ball 6.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 969 KB
Discussion - Ball 7.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 964 KB
Dramatist Arthur Aiston (SAYRE 1238).jpg 1.684 × 3.238; 1,23 MB
Dramatist David Belasco (SAYRE 4567).jpg 1.691 × 2.107; 393 KB
Dulcie Deamer, c. 1920s - by Leighton Studios (3369779050).jpg 933 × 1.200; 111 KB
Eamon Kelly statue.jpg 480 × 640; 104 KB
Eddie Magill, play author (SAYRE 4412).jpg 1.930 × 2.636; 661 KB
Edouard Elvis Bvouma.jpg 2.411 × 3.421; 1,64 MB
Edward Stirling 1838.jpg 748 × 1.273; 609 KB
Enrique Papatino en 1017.jpg 1.019 × 718; 447 KB
Epes Winthrop Sargent, theatrical writer (SAYRE 8926).jpg 1.496 × 944; 169 KB
Eugenia Cabral 2019.jpg 233 × 252; 25 KB
Fachada de la Sede de Argentores.jpg 539 × 737; 306 KB
Festival of modern drama "France-Russia" 1.jpg 3.872 × 2.592; 3,6 MB
Festival of modern drama "France-Russia" 2.jpg 3.872 × 2.592; 3,3 MB
Festival of modern drama "France-Russia" 3.jpg 3.872 × 2.592; 3,29 MB
Festival of modern drama "France-Russia" 4.jpg 3.872 × 2.592; 3,65 MB
Festival of modern drama "France-Russia" 5.jpg 3.872 × 2.592; 3,22 MB
Florence Henrietta Darwin.jpg 1.672 × 2.666; 653 KB
Fr. Nevel Gracias (cropped).jpg 2.224 × 1.746; 1.016 KB
Fr. Nevel Gracias.jpg 2.816 × 2.112; 1,54 MB
Frank Chin, Asian American playwright.JPG 1.024 × 1.536; 565 KB
FRANK CHIN1975.jpg 2.979 × 2.397; 3,48 MB
FRANK&GUITAR1975.jpg 744 × 921; 72 KB
FrançoisO.jpg 200 × 200; 51 KB
Fẹ́mi Elúfowójù.wav 3,0 s; 509 KB
Gab Reisman Clubbed Thumb.jpg 2.000 × 2.052; 2,67 MB
Gala Uzryutova.jpg 480 × 640; 37 KB
Gary Henderson Portrait.jpg 180 × 279; 6 KB
Gina young self-portrait.png 940 × 1.034; 1,62 MB
Greg Mbajiorgu.jpg 1.280 × 720; 257 KB
Gurdial Singh Phul.jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 4,88 MB
Harry Segall and Oscar for "Here Comes Mr. Jordan.".jpg 428 × 536; 73 KB
HectorMacMillan.jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 5,1 MB
Heinrich Teweles - playwright, writer and theater director.jpg 490 × 660; 181 KB
Henri van Wermeskerken 1929.jpg 1.959 × 2.907; 868 KB
Henry James Byron, circa 1880 (PORTRAITS 489).jpg 373 × 600; 16 KB
Herman Bouber Signature.png 750 × 348; 67 KB
Homer Croy by Dixon.jpg 1.200 × 1.546; 1,14 MB
Honor Molloy in Tribeca, c. 2015.jpg 960 × 720; 92 KB
How a play is produced (1928), illustration by Josef Čapek, pg 13.png 1.555 × 1.842; 41 KB
Hrishikesh Koli.jpg 469 × 473; 25 KB
In the dormitory of the Literary Institute named Gorky.jpg 1.680 × 1.008; 373 KB
Ivonne Fournery.jpg 1.234 × 1.372; 164 KB
J. E. Franklin.jpg 2.419 × 3.713; 4,51 MB
Jack Ronder.jpg 395 × 546; 34 KB
Jack Turner.jpg 960 × 1.280; 341 KB
James Graham (playwright) Bush Theatre 2019.jpg 1.625 × 2.448; 739 KB
James Sherman bio pic.jpg 183 × 275; 6 KB
Jeffreywhitty.jpg 4.096 × 4.096; 1,48 MB
JeffWhitty.jpg 819 × 968; 60 KB
Jessica Hagedorn, playwright 1975.jpg 2.013 × 2.666; 938 KB
Joan Cushing at Middle C Music.jpg 392 × 486; 87 KB
John Dennis (dramatist).jpg 646 × 1.000; 639 KB
Jose-Victor-de-la-Guardia.jpg 283 × 308; 47 KB
Josh Ravetch.PNG 180 × 320; 42 KB
José Manuel Freidel Foto Carlos Mario Lema.jpg 2.900 × 3.600; 6,14 MB
João Agostinho Fernandes (Pai Tiatrist).jpg 1.179 × 1.421; 1,16 MB
Julian Mitchell, Stage Director and Choreographer.png 265 × 637; 154 KB
Kate Simpson Hayes.jpg 494 × 500; 34 KB
Kawa Model 2013.png 550 × 758; 700 KB
Kazi Shahidul Islam.jpg 604 × 453; 32 KB
Keara Murphy portrait.jpg 3.840 × 5.760; 11,48 MB
Kim Dong-yeon 2018.jpg 567 × 791; 283 KB
Kira Obolensky 2016.jpg 733 × 750; 83 KB
Korada Ramachandra Sastri.png 358 × 350; 86 KB
Krisha Hebbale.jpg 1.225 × 817; 77 KB
La Silva Curiosa by Julian Iniguez de Medrano.jpg 600 × 502; 57 KB
Leslie-bramm-main-180.jpg 180 × 276; 19 KB
Logo ARGENTORES.jpg 647 × 591; 117 KB
Logo Escudo ARGENTORES.png 275 × 275; 74 KB
Lore Noto.jpg 1.917 × 2.807; 2,46 MB
Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754).jpg 4.629 × 4.628; 6,01 MB
Luttoli 1998.jpg 422 × 613; 33 KB
M.O.Auez.50 tomqyq dhagarmalar jinagynyn kei tomdary.jpg 3.072 × 2.592; 1,8 MB
Madeleinegeorge.jpg 715 × 953; 144 KB
Makram Ayache - Shane D'Costa - @sameshanedifferentday.jpg 2.759 × 3.443; 1,42 MB
Manmatha roy.jpg 142 × 169; 14 KB
Manuel Lassala Sangerman.jpg 808 × 967; 369 KB
Maria Leleka.jpg 1.280 × 720; 68 KB
Mary Hall Surface.jpg 21.600 × 14.400; 39,32 MB
Mel Escueta, playwright Asian American Theater, 1977.jpg 2.739 × 2.118; 782 KB
Michael Lieber.jpg 1.252 × 1.736; 584 KB
Michael Mitnick.jpg 2.313 × 3.154; 2,11 MB
Michael Weller, playwright.jpg 3.050 × 3.300; 1,86 MB
Miguel Angel Diani en 2023.jpg 667 × 908; 103 KB
Miguel Angel Diani.jpg 1.772 × 2.177; 968 KB
Minguel Rod.png 300 × 398; 180 KB
Mirsaid-mirshakar.jpg 220 × 292; 13 KB
Mohya-1.jpg 200 × 151; 10 KB
Mojisola Adebayo.jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 1,39 MB
Mr. Islam in his farm.jpg 720 × 540; 83 KB
Nanda Kumar Debbarma.jpg 1.080 × 1.093; 393 KB
New Drama Togliatti 1.jpg 3.091 × 2.048; 2,14 MB
New Drama Togliatti 2.jpg 3.091 × 2.048; 2,06 MB
New Drama Togliatti.jpg 2.048 × 3.091; 1,81 MB
Nishat Islam.jpg 1.335 × 2.000; 1,92 MB
Oakley Hall III on Lexington Bridge 8-19-79.jpg 2.602 × 1.741; 668 KB
Oriol Morales i Pujolar.jpg 3.566 × 2.377; 6,85 MB
Party in the dorm room.jpg 1.433 × 1.060; 338 KB
Patrick Dourado at Anil Kumar final rites (cropped).jpg 336 × 769; 67 KB
Patrick Dourado at Anil Kumar final rites.jpg 1.920 × 1.080; 531 KB
Peggy Pettitt.JPG 1.689 × 1.369; 733 KB
Playwright Murray Mednick.jpg 1.998 × 2.760; 1,2 MB
Playwright Nilo Cruz. Photo by Matt Pilsner (cropped, closeup).jpg 850 × 1.063; 917 KB
Playwright Nilo Cruz. Photo by Matt Pilsner.jpg 3.000 × 2.000; 3,89 MB
Poet Suman Pokhrel (46620566942).jpg 1.125 × 1.440; 321 KB
Poile Sengupta 2014.png 590 × 676; 460 KB
Portrait of Joseph Harris (4670841).jpg 1.200 × 1.728; 237 KB
Portrait of T N Telford (4669963).jpg 1.200 × 1.565; 266 KB
Pozvánka na ochotnické představení Jitřenka, 1901, č.2, s. 28.jpg 997 × 260; 81 KB
Pozvánka na představení (Národní listy, 15. 4. 1894, s. 5.jpg 887 × 343; 102 KB
Pozvánka na představení (Národní listy, 24.8.1893, s. 6.jpg 401 × 227; 43 KB
Press conference in the "Koleso".jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 759 KB
Raphaela Bardutzky.jpg 1.994 × 2.659; 1,38 MB
Rodion Beletsky.jpg 2.136 × 2.848; 2,63 MB
Roy de Chinchinim in 2001.jpg 707 × 794; 422 KB
Roza-Mukanova.jpg 787 × 1.185; 66 KB
SandradeHelen 2020 med.png 1.807 × 1.758; 3,73 MB
Savva Evseevich Golovanivsky 1934.tif 1.041 × 1.292; 3,87 MB
Savva Evseevich Golovanivsky, Ukrainian and Russian playwright, poet, writer.tif 1.028 × 1.300; 3,85 MB
Screen Shot of Katie Cappiello.png 259 × 344; 123 KB
Shauneille Perry and J. E. Franklin.png 1.192 × 1.464; 724 KB
Signed drawing of Israel Zangwill by Manuel Rosenberg 1924.jpg 2.780 × 3.487; 1,56 MB
Signed drawing of Stuart Walker by Manuel Rosenberg for the Cincinnati Post 1926.jpg 2.409 × 3.009; 1,11 MB
Silke Hildebrandt 2022.jpg 1.874 × 2.789; 1,1 MB
Star of Arossim Funeral - 27875984044.jpg 3.648 × 2.736; 3 MB
Star of Arossim Funeral - 27876000264.jpg 3.648 × 2.736; 2,7 MB
Star of Arossim Funeral - 27877005253.jpg 3.648 × 2.736; 3,06 MB