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Questa categoria contiene le 34 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 34.
- Atmospheric plumes (4 F)
- Bioaccumulation (10 F)
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (68 F)
- Tarballs (8 F)
Pagine nella categoria "Pollution"
Questa categoria contiene un'unica pagina, indicata di seguito.
File nella categoria "Pollution"
Questa categoria contiene 200 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 333.
(pagina precedente) (pagina successiva)-
De-Verschmutzung.ogg 1,8 s; 17 KB
"Marmettola" (slurry) in the Carrione River, Carrara, 2021.jpg 2 448 × 3 264; 2,47 MB
'"The Times", 23 September 1865.png 1 833 × 990; 1,3 MB
1 peopleinlitpod-mp.jpg 2 000 × 1 333; 452 KB
2024 Skultuna Think Pink.jpg 4 032 × 3 024; 3,96 MB
5-Marine litter.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 10,35 MB
A cigarette butt on a leaf - ubiquitous pets.jpg 2 909 × 1 840; 1,91 MB
A pollution abstracts.jpg 3 398 × 2 123; 4,59 MB
A worker welding outdoor for a school next to a busy bus stop, Tai Po, Hong Kong.webm 15 s, 1 080 × 1 920; 63,54 MB
Abstract Pollution 1997.jpg 3 904 × 2 448; 6,38 MB
AI End-Scenario 3 Necessary Rescue tamingtheaibeast.png 3 574 × 2 426; 921 KB
Antarctica, pollution, environment, Russia, Bellingshausen 4.JPG 1 266 × 863; 297 KB
Anthropocene layer.jpg 900 × 900; 321 KB
Assimilative Capacity Diagram.png 1 222 × 849; 131 KB
AtlasBX graphic.jpg 3 211 × 2 438; 1,15 MB
Atmosphere composition diagram.jpg 800 × 715; 100 KB
Back-Scattered Electron Micrograph of Coal Fly Ash small.tif 2 048 × 1 872; 11 MB
BadBagFence.jpg 1 024 × 1 531; 482 KB
Barbadosdustgraph.gif 466 × 343; 9 KB
BASOL Sols pollués france.jpg 760 × 612; 99 KB
Beat Pollution.jpg 4 427 × 2 952; 2,41 MB
Beer bottle 13.jpg 2 898 × 1 786; 1,47 MB
Bio-magnification in a pond ecosystem.svg 512 × 384; 136 KB
Biodegradacióaeròbicapcb.png 2 928 × 1 549; 209 KB
Biodegradacióanaeròbicapcb.png 1 214 × 213; 21 KB
Black-Sea.jpg 3 874 × 2 892; 12,79 MB
Bodemverontreiniging Vuilnis, Bestanddeelnr 167-0068.jpg 2 554 × 2 551; 1,21 MB
Bästeträsk 1107-0937.jpg 3 008 × 2 000; 2,7 MB
Capteur de pollution Qameleo fait à Blolab au cours du RNIS du 08 au 16 septembre 2022.jpg 2 976 × 3 968; 2,83 MB
Carbón en la Playa.jpg 960 × 720; 63 KB
Carrione river in Carrara, polluted by "marmettola" (slurry), 2021.jpg 3 000 × 4 000; 4,32 MB
Chat Pile at Picher, Oklahoma Superfund Site.jpg 2 272 × 1 587; 4,51 MB
Chemical contamination of drinking water.jpg 3 803 × 1 770; 638 KB
Ciclepcb.tiff 709 × 338; 702 KB
CLEANER RIVER.jpg 4 128 × 3 096; 3,41 MB
Conduite-enterree.png 547 × 410; 442 KB
Consumcongeneres.png 1 780 × 1 190; 440 KB
Consumidors.png 724 × 434; 107 KB
Contaminacion del medio ambiente.png 1 146 × 556; 348 KB
Contaminación del suelo.jpg 274 × 206; 16 KB
Coordinated-Movement-of-Cytoplasmic-and-Transmembrane-Domains-of-RyR1-upon-Gating-pbio.1000085.sv001.ogv 1 min 7 s, 300 × 300; 4,18 MB
Coordinated-Movement-of-Cytoplasmic-and-Transmembrane-Domains-of-RyR1-upon-Gating-pbio.1000085.sv002.ogv 1 min 9 s, 300 × 300; 5,54 MB
Dalchau 1702-0389.jpg 3 662 × 5 488; 4,61 MB
Dead Colonel Sanders.jpg 7 680 × 5 760; 4,3 MB
Dead flag.jpg 7 680 × 5 760; 7,78 MB
Dead puffer.jpg 7 680 × 5 760; 7,1 MB
Dead Starbuck's cup.jpg 7 680 × 5 760; 6,64 MB
Dead Tim Horton's cup.jpg 5 760 × 7 680; 9,58 MB
Diagram of a respirator used to filter and purify air Wellcome L0041517.jpg 2 096 × 3 980; 1,88 MB
Diagram of an experimental ventilation system Wellcome L0041516.jpg 2 864 × 2 484; 1,78 MB
Dirty-industry-stack-factory (24217960132).jpg 5 760 × 3 840; 6,9 MB
DSC07429 Chemiemüllhalde Griesheimer Alpe.jpg 5 472 × 1 816; 1,66 MB
Dépenses sols pollués en pourcent du PIB AEE.jpg 988 × 852; 147 KB
E field reconstruction.png 800 × 581; 17 KB
Eau devant la maison.jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 2,6 MB
Eau devant une maison.jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 2,91 MB
ECOLCA Greenhouse gases.jpg 609 × 387; 31 KB
EffetsDeLaPollutionSurLaSante.svg 1 482 × 1 053; 628 KB
EIOLCA1.jpg 603 × 382; 34 KB
EIOLCA3.jpg 597 × 382; 32 KB
Ekologija Save.jpg 640 × 480; 46 KB
Emissionscongèneres.png 1 568 × 1 010; 161 KB
Emissionseuropa.png 1 725 × 2 174; 31 KB
Environment decontamination (Part 1).webm 5 min 48 s, 1 920 × 1 080; 11,88 MB
Environmental pollution (water pollution).jpg 3 648 × 2 736; 3,46 MB
Environmental pollution 01.jpg 692 × 490; 89 KB
Environmental pollution 02.jpg 691 × 492; 62 KB
Environmental pollution.jpg 692 × 490; 83 KB
Environmental pollution.png 836 × 902; 1,11 MB
Equilibrio homem natureza.png 536 × 434; 15 KB
Esquema cambra sedimentació.png 997 × 557; 15 KB
Esquema de movilidad de contaminantes.jpg 478 × 308; 27 KB
ETS-Lab Office.jpg 4 928 × 3 264; 4,86 MB
Eutrophication in Lake Erie.jpg 1 605 × 1 217; 710 KB
Expl699972745x800x800.jpg 800 × 450; 140 KB
Expl700229763x800x800.jpg 800 × 450; 136 KB
Expl700976781x800x800.jpg 800 × 450; 213 KB
Expl701076781x800x800.jpg 800 × 450; 166 KB
Fig 3 end. Emission volumes.jpg 2 223 × 1 925; 1,45 MB
Fig cth calcul Jap..jpg 1 456 × 1 026; 72 KB
Figure 1.png 560 × 420; 7 KB
Formation sur Comment contribuer avec Wikidata 2.jpg 960 × 540; 40 KB
Formation sur Comment contribuer avec Wikidata.jpg 2 560 × 1 920; 444 KB
Foumire1 wi.jpg 162 × 111; 12 KB
Fr-pollution.ogg 1,3 s; 15 KB
Garbage Pollution.jpg 3 576 × 2 237; 2 MB
Gas counter anode electric field.gif 1 278 × 978; 32 KB
Gilliland IMG 0659 (11636366696).jpg 1 024 × 768; 105 KB
Global-plastics-production.png 3 400 × 2 400; 337 KB
Green data book population 3.png 1 000 × 562; 46 KB
Health effects of pollution- Arabic.png 738 × 524; 389 KB
Health effects of pollution-es.png 738 × 545; 389 KB
Health effects of pollution.png 3 294 × 2 340; 2,24 MB
Health effects of pollution.svg 1 482 × 1 053; 627 KB
Heartbreaking Photos Of Pollution That Will Inspire You To Recycle.jpg 736 × 981; 163 KB
Hombre limpiando el Carbón en Pala Las Ventanas.jpg 960 × 720; 63 KB
Incineration Toxic Chart.JPG 666 × 322; 22 KB
Ingestadiària.png 724 × 434; 39 KB
Intervalos.jpg 400 × 652; 107 KB
Ion chamber operation.gif 3 241 × 2 258; 124 KB
IPPC1.png 1 543 × 1 102; 250 KB
IPPC2.png 1 543 × 1 102; 249 KB
IPPC3.png 1 543 × 1 102; 211 KB
Jfhomesweethome.jpg 500 × 323; 82 KB
K4641-1rootscientists.jpg 1 786 × 2 700; 1 014 KB
Kashi the city of moksha.jpg 4 608 × 3 456; 3,22 MB
Kolkata Maidan called 'the lungs of Kolkata' 8.jpg 1 920 × 2 560; 773 KB
La pollution de l’air.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 4,41 MB
La pollution des sols.jpg 4 032 × 3 024; 5,18 MB
La pollution organique.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 3,92 MB
La pollution urbaine dans la ville de dschang.jpg 3 120 × 4 160; 6,72 MB
La pollution urbaine.jpg 720 × 540; 384 KB
La pollution végétale.jpg 4 032 × 3 024; 5,27 MB
La salie wharf gironde france.JPG 3 264 × 4 928; 4,87 MB
Land pollution.jpg 750 × 540; 110 KB
Land-based sources of pollution threats to coral reefs.png 759 × 585; 347 KB
Les briques peuvent causer la pollution de l'environnement.jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 3,41 MB
Litter on the Crocodile Pond.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 2,87 MB
Love Canal protest.jpg 221 × 312; 56 KB
Luftverschmutzung im Winter über Thüringen.JPG 1 920 × 2 560; 1,05 MB
Lusaka peri-urban area, pit latrine (3794845744).jpg 1 600 × 1 200; 357 KB
Lusaka peri-urban area, pit latrine (3794845822).jpg 1 600 × 1 200; 415 KB
Lämmastiksaasteringe.JPG 872 × 390; 114 KB
Main Entrance to Kfar Yehoshua.jpg 2 816 × 2 112; 972 KB
Markert for Shipping Pollution.png 1 046 × 728; 164 KB
Monton Canal (6886396822).jpg 3 290 × 4 370; 2,29 MB
Mugre al fondo de un agua estancada.jpg 2 592 × 1 944; 1,14 MB
Nafta destilleerimine.gif 428 × 522; 32 KB
NanoplasticsActicAntarctic2022.jpg 1 144 × 886; 244 KB
Nas Rang schema2.jpg 1 311 × 697; 84 KB
Nasal Ranger schem.png 1 327 × 842; 10 KB
Naso elettronico durante il monitoraggio in continuo al ricettore.jpg 1 500 × 2 000; 504 KB
Ndotja atmosferike.jpg 1 000 × 562; 56 KB
Nid d'oiseau tissé avec du plastique à l'Aire Marine Protégée de Joal-Fadiouth.jpg 3 060 × 4 080; 9,05 MB
Nitrogen Dioxide LUMO.jpg 434 × 262; 167 KB
Nitrogen Dioxide Molecule.jpg 423 × 350; 225 KB
Nitrogen Dioxide.jpg 329 × 292; 137 KB
Ocean Conservation Namibia rescuing an entangled seal.jpg 640 × 427; 51 KB
Ocean Conservation Namibia rescuing seals.jpg 640 × 426; 98 KB
Odor intens Web-Fechn.png 939 × 603; 109 KB
Odour disp model results 2.jpg 2 761 × 1 930; 477 KB
Odour Neth 1980 2005.jpg 614 × 321; 15 KB
Odour Neth 1980.jpg 558 × 277; 18 KB
Odour Qual Stand (N).jpg 1 512 × 1 134; 140 KB
Odour Qual Stand (Pl).jpg 1 490 × 1 111; 123 KB
Odour Qual Stand 1.jpg 1 534 × 1 098; 136 KB
Odour Qual Stand 1.png 1 543 × 1 102; 391 KB
Odour Qual Stand 2.jpg 1 533 × 1 098; 140 KB
Odour Qual Stand 3.jpg 1 533 × 1 098; 140 KB
Odour Qual Stand D'.jpg 1 358 × 772; 81 KB
Odour Qual Stand D.jpg 1 516 × 1 092; 125 KB
Odour Qual Stand IPPC A.jpg 1 461 × 1 127; 119 KB
Odour Qual Stand IPPC B.jpg 1 457 × 1 124; 127 KB
Odour Qual Stand IPPC C.jpg 1 466 × 1 127; 130 KB
OdourQual2.png 1 543 × 1 102; 399 KB
OduorQual2.svg 1 534 × 1 098; 242 KB
OdurQual3.png 1 543 × 1 102; 408 KB
Ollo (1).jpg 3 648 × 2 736; 7,58 MB
Optical modulation.gif 800 × 382; 28 KB
Ozono.gif 468 × 279; 4 KB
Paint dust inside a Hong Kong apartment for rent.png 720 × 1 440; 704 KB
PBs2023-cs.svg 512 × 484; 126 KB
PBs2023-de.svg 1 318 × 1 241; 242 KB
PBs2023.svg 1 279 × 1 234; 310 KB
Pencemaran Lingkungan karena Sampah.jpg 2 340 × 4 160; 1,42 MB
Pencemaran lingkungan pantai Kedonganan.jpg 4 064 × 3 048; 4,83 MB
Pentaorganostannane.png 430 × 375; 7 KB
Pfff !.jpg 4 016 × 6 016; 15,61 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 01.jpg 3 120 × 4 160; 4,18 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 02.jpg 3 120 × 4 160; 4,51 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 03.jpg 3 120 × 4 160; 3,17 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 04.jpg 3 120 × 4 160; 2,94 MB
Photowalk pictures for biodiversity and pollution 05.jpg 3 120 × 4 160; 5,41 MB
Pianura Padana.jpg 3 996 × 2 664; 3,97 MB
Plastic bottle in Pangong Lake.jpg 600 × 800; 631 KB
Plastic Bottle in Pangong Waters.jpg 600 × 800; 532 KB
Plastic Bottle Waste at Pangong Lake.jpg 800 × 1 067; 724 KB
Plastic pollution 083.jpg 1 600 × 1 200; 760 KB
Playing with the waste.jpg 6 016 × 4 016; 10,62 MB
Pm 25 all ca.gif 460 × 360; 5 KB
Pm25 air quality concentration levels.png 186 × 644; 11 KB
Polluants UE 2002 fR.jpg 950 × 559; 96 KB
Polluted beach.jpg 2 048 × 1 536; 2,19 MB
Polluted estuary.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 8 MB
Polluted water. algal bloom 2.jpg 6 000 × 8 000; 15,46 MB
Polluted water. algal bloom.jpg 6 000 × 8 000; 15 MB