Category:Portraits with letters
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Media in category "Portraits with letters"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 477 total.
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Ottavio leoni, ritratto del cardinale scipione borghese, 02.jpg 4,260 × 3,648; 6.95 MB
Andrea Solario 008.jpg 614 × 800; 411 KB
Wolfgang-Ronner,-Hans-Maler.jpg 186 × 230; 5 KB
Bernardino Licinio 025.jpg 451 × 480; 37 KB
Jan Gossaert - Portrait of a Man - Google Art Project.jpg 2,422 × 3,089; 846 KB
Jan Gossaert 011.jpg 2,024 × 2,612; 549 KB
Eleanora of Austria, Queen of France.jpg 1,660 × 2,000; 1.14 MB
Girolamo Romanino - Self-portrait - WGA19996.jpg 681 × 880; 83 KB
Moretto da Brescia 010.jpg 582 × 675; 200 KB
Bildnis eines Engländers (ca. 1540) – Hans Holbein d. J. (Kunstmuseum Basel).jpg 2,024 × 2,596; 148 KB
Thomas Cranmer by Gerlach Flicke (cropped 3-4).jpg 864 × 1,152; 450 KB
Thomas Cranmer by Gerlach Flicke (cropped 7-9).jpg 893 × 1,149; 465 KB
Thomas Cranmer by Gerlach Flicke.jpg 2,400 × 3,129; 2.75 MB
Giovanni Battista Moroni 030.jpg 674 × 800; 78 KB
Lattanzio Gambrara Portrait romanino Budapest.jpg 681 × 880; 83 KB
Giovanni Battista Moroni - Canon Ludovico di Terzi - Google Art Project.jpg 2,414 × 3,000; 2.23 MB
Giovanni Battista Moroni 005.jpg 528 × 675; 162 KB
Giovanni Battista Moroni 004.jpg 600 × 752; 187 KB
Giovanni Battista Moroni - Portret van een man.jpg 1,952 × 2,620; 2.74 MB
Giovanni Ambrogio Figino - Portrait of Giovan Angelo Annoni - WGA7881.jpg 800 × 1,041; 86 KB
Girolamo da Correggio.jpg 332 × 450; 20 KB
Ferdinand I de Medici.jpg 1,000 × 1,579; 241 KB
Bernhard Strigel 008.jpg 1,008 × 1,398; 501 KB
16th-century unknown painters - Portrait of a Young Man - WGA23548.jpg 719 × 1,055; 108 KB
Domenichino - Portrait of Monsignor Giovanni Battista Agucchi.jpg 1,534 × 2,022; 2.33 MB
Self portrait, 1610.jpg 537 × 695; 49 KB
Sir Francis Bacon.jpg 315 × 517; 39 KB
Galleria nazionale di palazzo Spinola 03.jpg 3,072 × 4,608; 6.76 MB
Sebastián García de la Huerta (Velázquez).jpg 962 × 1,158; 1,007 KB
Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of Jacques Le Roy - WGA07397.jpg 900 × 1,054; 118 KB
Anton van dyck, ritratto di jacques le roy, 1631.jpg 3,026 × 3,531; 5.09 MB
Jacques Le Roy - Van Dyck - 1631.jpg 2,387 × 2,750; 1.81 MB
Diego Velázquez 035.jpg 1,069 × 1,920; 1.27 MB
Pietro Maria Borghese.jpg 290 × 400; 20 KB
DiegoLopezPacheco,CabrerayBobadilla.jpg 1,039 × 1,431; 1.17 MB
Velazquez-Bandres.jpg 894 × 1,117; 216 KB
AnnaofAustria02.jpg 1,442 × 1,774; 663 KB
SirHenryWotton.jpg 4,457 × 5,335; 5.6 MB
Anna of Austria, châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon.jpg 932 × 1,152; 766 KB
William Lenthall from NPG.jpg 2,400 × 3,061; 1.55 MB
Sir Richard Fanshawe (1608–1666), 1st Bt.jpeg 1,200 × 1,504; 1.27 MB
Count Miklós Esterházy, Palatine of Hungary.jpg 1,970 × 3,394; 1.31 MB
Esterházy M.jpg 1,113 × 1,911; 454 KB
Charles I and James II.png 2,000 × 1,604; 9.18 MB
Charles I and young James II.jpg 600 × 533; 198 KB
Coat of arms of Marcos de Torres y Rueda (cropped).jpg 349 × 319; 105 KB
MarcosdeTorresyRueda.jpg 1,061 × 1,431; 1.04 MB
György I Rákóczi, prince of Transylvania.jpg 2,116 × 3,514; 1.53 MB
Carlo Ceresa - Portrait of a Friar - WGA04649.jpg 1,000 × 1,305; 146 KB
CCeresa Ritratto di un frate.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 436 KB
Volterrano, Giovan Carlo de' Medici.jpg 300 × 386; 148 KB
Benedetto Gennari Portrait of Marchese Francesco Fiaschi.jpg 1,617 × 2,000; 1.11 MB
Marchese Francesco Fiaschi, by Benedetto Gennari.jpg 1,617 × 2,000; 2.72 MB
Alexander VII.jpg 778 × 963; 782 KB
Portrait of Pope Alexander VII Chigi (by Giovanni Battista Gaulli - Baciccio).jpg 2,500 × 2,843; 1.06 MB
JuandeLeyvaydelaCerda.jpg 1,046 × 1,449; 996 KB
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo - Retrato de doña Mariana de Austria.jpg 864 × 1,062; 102 KB
Martínez del Mazo - Mariana of Austria.jpg 922 × 1,248; 164 KB
Baciccio - Retrato do Cardeal Ludovico Omodei.jpg 1,700 × 2,269; 2.64 MB
Chigi Flavio (+1693).jpg 250 × 353; 17 KB
Giovanni Battista Gaulli - Retrato do Cardeal Luigi Alessandro Omodei.jpg 6,444 × 8,061; 18.57 MB
Juan Carreño de Miranda - Duque de Pastrana.jpg 467 × 800; 296 KB
Flemish School, 17th Century Portrait of a Family.jpg 2,000 × 1,545; 998 KB
Jacob Ferdinand Voet - Cardinal Giulio Spinola - Google Art Project.jpg 1,755 × 2,401; 782 KB
Carlo Maratta - Portrait of cardinal Alderano Cybo.jpg 1,920 × 2,092; 1.62 MB
Cibo Alderano.jpg 250 × 265; 14 KB
Maratta Cybo.jpg 1,668 × 1,978; 260 KB
Marc Nattier d'après Claude Lefèbvre, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, marquis de Seignelay (1676).jpg 1,862 × 1,962; 1.15 MB
AntoniodelaCerdayAragon.jpg 480 × 624; 40 KB
CondeDeParedes.jpg 1,104 × 1,437; 1.12 MB
Portrait eines Geistlichen 1681.jpg 1,584 × 2,067; 247 KB
Gaspar de la Cerda Sandoval Silva y Mendoza.jpg 1,115 × 1,454; 1.06 MB
GaspardelaCerdaSandoval.jpg 349 × 467; 141 KB
Jean Chardin.jpg 4,709 × 5,863; 5.82 MB
Colbert (Rouen 914-4-6).jpg 1,856 × 2,119; 441 KB
Pietro Ottoboni by Francesco Trevisani.jpg 1,448 × 1,940; 337 KB
Georg Adam von Gaschin.jpg 1,050 × 1,613; 1.02 MB
Cardinal Henri-Pons de Thiard de Bissy-musée Bossuet.jpg 2,001 × 2,495; 4.71 MB
José de Armendáriz2.jpg 493 × 800; 178 KB
1stViscountBolingbroke.jpg 610 × 800; 123 KB
Sir William Wyndham, 3rd Bt by Jonathan Richardson.jpg 2,400 × 3,065; 848 KB
Nicolas Largillière - Portrait of an officer - Google Art Project.jpg 4,158 × 5,001; 3.41 MB
Virrey Duque de Linares by Juan Rodriguez Juarez ca 1717.jpg 1,890 × 3,168; 1.8 MB
Sybilla Augusta - Schloss Rastatt.jpg 492 × 706; 75 KB
GeorgeIITreby ByGodfreyKneller.jpg 471 × 768; 51 KB
Mányoki Podmaniczky 1724.jpg 411 × 500; 88 KB
Luis I of Spain in 1724 by Melendez.jpg 638 × 800; 118 KB
Richard West by Jonathan Richardson.jpg 2,400 × 2,962; 947 KB
Ráday Pál Mányoki.jpg 460 × 558; 65 KB
Willem van Mieris - An Old Man Reading.JPG 791 × 900; 126 KB
Girolamo de Bardi.jpg 307 × 463; 33 KB
Josef Hauzinger 001.jpg 410 × 480; 39 KB
Archibaldhope1720.jpg 420 × 500; 29 KB
Samuel von Cocceji by Anna Rosina de Gasc 1737.PNG 1,992 × 2,652; 4.99 MB
Sanders, Gerard - Archibald Hope the Elder - Google Art Project.jpg 3,905 × 4,852; 7.23 MB
Jonathan Richardson the Elder - Alexander Pope - Google Art Project.jpg 4,926 × 5,899; 2.98 MB
Retrato de Domenico Scarlatti.jpg 3,041 × 3,840; 2.06 MB
Retrato de Domenico ScarlattiFXD.jpg 3,041 × 3,840; 1.7 MB
James Latham (1696-1747) The Rt Hon. Sir Capel Molyneux 1740.jpg 1,229 × 1,536; 236 KB
Latham - Sir Capel Molyneux.jpg 409 × 512; 24 KB
Michel Robert Le Peletier des Forts (1675-1740).jpg 380 × 498; 48 KB
Michel Robert Le Peletier des Forts by Hyacinthe Rigaud.jpg 380 × 498; 40 KB
Portrait de Michel-Robert Le Pelletier des Forts, contrôleur général (1727).jpg 1,020 × 1,256; 142 KB
Rigaud Michel Robert (RO 219).jpg 606 × 800; 107 KB
Samuel von Cocceji - Jurist.jpg 517 × 768; 112 KB
Johann Peter von Ludewig.jpg 975 × 1,600; 348 KB
PedroCebrianyAgustin.jpg 1,112 × 1,450; 1.53 MB
Van Loo Horace Walpole.jpg 464 × 563; 50 KB
Charles Grandon.jpg 353 × 480; 35 KB
John Greenwood - Portrait of Unknown man.png 688 × 843; 938 KB
Sir Charles Hanbury Williams by John Giles Eccardt.jpg 2,400 × 3,135; 1.51 MB
Tocqué - Portrait du comte de Saint-Florentin.jpg 1,888 × 2,424; 296 KB
Hugford - Maddalena Guadagni Serristori.jpg 313 × 419; 36 KB
Hudson - William Dalrymple-Crichton, 5th Earl of Dumfries.jpg 1,200 × 1,700; 1.15 MB
Louise Frederica of Württemberg by Georg David Matthieu.jpg 420 × 500; 68 KB
Louise Frederica of Württemberg, duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.jpg 505 × 602; 189 KB
Louis-René de Caradeuc de La Chalotais.jpg 384 × 501; 51 KB
Venetian Singer Sarazin 18th century.jpg 281 × 350; 28 KB
Venetian Singer Sarazin 18th century.png 278 × 348; 125 KB
George Grenville.jpg 510 × 726; 177 KB
Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke.jpg 318 × 369; 21 KB
Andreas Hartvig Godiche.jpg 1,105 × 1,171; 438 KB
Charles Hanbury Williams.PNG 618 × 840; 975 KB
Erasmus Smith 1611-1691 by John Michael Wright.jpg 1,200 × 1,395; 1.06 MB
Philipp-Anton II.JPG 1,635 × 2,272; 2.38 MB
Placido Imperiale.jpg 411 × 596; 35 KB
Henry Pelham by John Shackleton.jpg 2,400 × 2,929; 1.24 MB
Ricardo Wall y Devreux.jpg 1,659 × 2,480; 4.23 MB
Allan Ramsay - Alexander Boswell, Lord Auchinleck - Google Art Project.jpg 4,194 × 5,183; 2.86 MB
Sir William Blackstone from NPG.jpg 2,400 × 3,019; 1.13 MB
Alberico Archinto-Anton Raphael Mengs-MBA Lyon H687-IMG 0448.jpg 3,539 × 4,839; 1.36 MB
Cardinale Alberico Archinto (1698-1758).jpg 575 × 800; 73 KB
1757 Lewie Portrait M.I. Vorontsov.JPG 3,805 × 4,752; 9.94 MB
Giovanni Giacomo Grimaldi doge di Genoa 1756-1758.jpg 768 × 996; 747 KB
Alexander Roslin 034.jpg 276 × 327; 82 KB
Conde de Superunda.jpg 1,842 × 3,056; 245 KB
Pompeo Batoni - William Fermor - Google Art Project.jpg 5,839 × 7,904; 3.91 MB
Portrait of Cardinal Carlo Rezzonico (by Anton Raphael Mengs) – 1758.jpg 1,425 × 1,908; 436 KB
Batoni - Cardinal Etienne-René Potier de Gesvres, 1758.jpg 2,216 × 3,004; 674 KB
Alexander Roslin 026.jpeg 625 × 798; 96 KB
Carl Eugen.JPG 350 × 464; 30 KB
Johannes de Graeff.jpg 1,249 × 1,645; 1.57 MB
Marques, coimbra.jpg 375 × 500; 52 KB
1717-1785 Friedrich.jpg 330 × 400; 65 KB
Ivan Shuvalov by A.Losenko.jpg 832 × 1,000; 130 KB
O Marques-Conde de Pombal e Oeiras em coimbra.jpg 375 × 485; 64 KB
Pombal portrait.jpg 150 × 205; 4 KB
Frankfurt Am Main-Portraits-Simon Moritz Bethmann.jpg 776 × 1,000; 321 KB
Cardinal Carlo Rezzonico (1724-1799).jpg 614 × 800; 95 KB
Count Georg Adam von Starhemberg.jpg 820 × 1,080; 195 KB
Copley - Nathaniel Allen, 1763.jpg 1,116 × 1,407; 202 KB
Pompeo batoni, gaetano II sforza cesarini, duca di segni, 1763.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 569 KB
Lady Georgiana Poyntz.jpg 736 × 1,005; 119 KB
Bermejo - Count of Superunda.jpg 544 × 800; 146 KB
Joshua Reynolds - Mr. James Bourdieu - WGA19343.jpg 1,000 × 1,263; 109 KB
Lord Halifax and his secretaries by Daniel Gardner.jpg 2,400 × 1,765; 848 KB
Mr. James Bourdieu (Reynolds).jpg 2,143 × 2,717; 6.4 MB
A Man Called William Strahan - Google Art Project.jpg 4,679 × 5,886; 3.94 MB
Elisabeth Sulzer by Anton Graff.jpg 1,677 × 2,000; 529 KB
Jean-Baptiste Perronneau - Portrait of a Man - WGA17220.jpg 1,000 × 1,195; 123 KB
Reinhard Iselin by Georg Mathias Fuchs, 1766.jpg 914 × 1,199; 245 KB
Lady Holland by Ramsay.jpg 548 × 455; 69 KB
Jacob Wessel - Friedrich Muhl 1766.jpg 593 × 800; 140 KB
Alexander Roslin - Jean-François Marmontel - WGA20068.jpg 1,000 × 1,187; 101 KB
Jean-François Marmontel.jpg 515 × 621; 229 KB
Pompeo batoni, sir sampson gideon e un compagno ignoto, 1767.JPG 1,428 × 2,013; 1.86 MB
Jacques de Flesselles par Nonotte.jpg 2,000 × 2,570; 875 KB
Portrait of Colonel George Watson by Copley NOMA.jpg 2,000 × 2,482; 757 KB
Anne Catharine Hoof Green.jpg 1,291 × 1,600; 742 KB
Musée historique de Strasbourg-Baron Jean François de Spon.jpg 1,428 × 1,871; 572 KB
Webber MFunk1770.jpg 768 × 921; 556 KB
Catherine 2 nakaz.JPG 943 × 706; 349 KB
György Fekete Chief Justice.jpg 1,908 × 2,414; 3.35 MB
Henry-benedict-stuart-cardinal-york.jpg 250 × 299; 38 KB
Herrenbildnis in Bibliothek.jpg 490 × 611; 103 KB
Johann Graf Fries by Alexander Roslin (1718-1793).jpg 1,747 × 2,249; 1.88 MB
Lazzaro Opizio Pallavicini2.jpg 178 × 245; 20 KB
Maria Theresa holding book.jpg 267 × 338; 37 KB
Mère de La Fayette (Marie Louise Jolie de La Rivière).jpg 683 × 800; 141 KB
Palazzo Corsini, Andrea Corsini.jpg 2,132 × 2,800; 2.7 MB
Ritratto del conte Giammbattista Gherardo d’Arco.jpg 275 × 365; 53 KB
Імператриця Катерина ІІ.jpg 704 × 513; 285 KB
Choiseul by Kymli.jpg 443 × 522; 44 KB
Maria Theresa with paper.jpg 700 × 928; 116 KB