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Category:Product management

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<nowiki>gestión de recursos humanos; Продуктов мениджмънт; termékmenedzsment; Produkční; мэнэджмэнт прадуктам; Personalijuhtimine; مدیریت منابع انسانی; upravljanje ljudskim resursima; Управление продуктом; product management; Produktmanagement; gestão de recursos humanos; managementul resurselor umane; produkta menedžments; 產品管理; Менаџер продукције; produktni menedžment; プロダクトマネジメント; ניהול מוצר; Менеджмент продуктом; Pengelolaan produk; produkthandtering; produkthåndtering; Politika proizvoda; produkthåndtering; उत्पाद प्रबंधन; Արտադրանքի կառավարում; 제품 관리; product management; ادارة المنتج; Διαχείριση παραγωγής; gestió de recursos humans; tipo de gestión; funksjon i et selskap som arbeider med utvikling av nye produkter, forretningsbegrunnelse, planlegging, verifisering, prognoser, prissetting, produktlansering og markedsføring av et produkt eller produkter i alle stadier av produktets livssyklus; Organisatorische Funktion innerhalb eines Unternehmens, die sich mit der Entwicklung neuer Produkte, der Planung, Verifizierung, Preisgestaltung, Produkteinführung und Vermarktung eines Produkts in allen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus befasst; organizational function within a company dealing with new product development, business justification, planning, verification, forecasting, pricing, product launch, and marketing of a product or products at all stages of the product lifecycle; Gestion de producto; 製品管理; 商品管理; кіраваньне прадуктам; Управління продуктом; Cap de producció</nowiki>
product management 
organizational function within a company dealing with new product development, business justification, planning, verification, forecasting, pricing, product launch, and marketing of a product or products at all stages of the product lifecycle
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Wikidata Q1780667
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85107203
NDL Authority ID: 00570376
NL CR AUT ID: ph803135
J9U ID: 987007538594905171
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Pages in category "Product management"

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Media in category "Product management"

The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total.