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Category:Pump organs

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See also category: Free reed organs.

<nowiki>armonio; harmonium; harmonium; reed organ; езичков орган; Armoniu; ہارمونیم,; Harmônia; harmónium; Фісгармонія; 하모늄; Фисгармония; harmoniumo; harmonium; organe guilcagh; almoniu; harmonium; संवादिनी; traporrel; хармонијум; harmonium; harmonium; Amɔnyɔ́mɛ; reed organ; القدمية; 簧風琴; harmónium; harmonium; harmoniu; harmònium; Harmonium; orgán giolcach; хармонијум; 簧风琴; stueorgel; हार्मोनियम; リード オルガン; הרמוניום; हार्मोनियम; హార్మోనియం; ਹਾਰਮੋਨੀਅਮ); ஆர்மோனியம்; armonium; harmonium; harmoonium; harmônio; Fisgarmoniya; αρμόνιο; язычковы арган; fisharmonija; harmonij; হারমোনিয়াম; harmoni; organ bwmp; هارمونیوم; fisharmonia; ഹാർമോണിയം; harmonium; harmonium; organ-gothaiche; باجو; हरमुनिया; harmonio; Ֆիսհարմոն; pump organ; язычковый орган; instrumento musical; বাদ্যযন্ত্র; instrument de musique; клявішны духавы музычны інструмэнт; mihi libreko haize instrumentua; órganu pequeñu con fuelle al que se-y da aire calcando pedales; вид клавишных духовых инструментов; Tasteninstrument, bei dem der Ton durch verschieden lange Durchschlagzungen erzeugt wird; free-reed organ musical instrument; ابزار موسیقی; музички инструмент за оргуље са слободном трском; instrument s tipkami, pri katerem zvok ustvarjajo različno dolgi jezički; instrument de teclat; free-reed organ musical instrument; tangentinstrument av orgeltyp; viachlasý hudobný nástroj; tangentinstrment med tonedanning frå frittsvingande metalltunger; musikkinstrument; музички инструмент за оргуље са слободном трском; estrumentu musical de vientu con tecrau; klawiszowy instrument muzyczny; strumento musicale; kosketinsoitin; free-reed organ musical instrument; آلة موسيقية; klávesový hudební nástroj; விசைப்பலகை வகையைச் சேர்ந்த ஓர் இசைக்கருவி; armonio; harmonium; organo a pompa; organo ad ance; ক্যাবিনেট অর্গ্যান; фісгармонія; фисгармония; фисгармоника; гармониум; pump organ; 簧風琴; harmonium; trædeorgel; ハーモニウム; Harmonium (instrument); harmonium; हारमोनियम; Armonium; Harmonium; Órgano de bomba; harmonio; urkuharmoni; harmooni; urkuharmooni; polkuharmoni; harmonium; pump organ; хармониум; reed organ; Harmonium</nowiki>
reed organ 
free-reed organ musical instrument
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  • Aelodicon
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Wikidata Q12460259
GND ID: 4159135-5
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85112159
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 12202452m
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 16471
National Library of Spain ID: XX537092
J9U ID: 987007529521205171
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  • Dr. Robert J. Allan, Ch. Phys. (2003–2004) "The Reed Organ" in The Free Reed Organ in England. Archived from the original on 26 June 2021.
    "​ Reed organs, for the sake of this study, are usually free reed organs powered by vacuum (suction), often refered to as “American organs” because most originated in the USA. They are also often refered to as “pump organs” on all continents. Ian Thompson refers to them as SROs (Suction Reed Organs). ... We note however that there are some pressure instruments which cannot be classified as harmoniums (such as certain models of Aeolian Orchestrelle and the Vocalion) and there are also combined suction/ pressure instruments which we have listed as reed organs. We thus reserve the name “harmonium” for the original French style pressure wind instrument and use the name “reed organ” for everything else. "


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