Category:Radio propagation

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<nowiki>radiopropagazione; Rádióhullámok terjedése; Распространение радиоволн; Funkwetter; Propagação de radiofrequência; propagation des ondes radio; انتشار رادیویی; 无线电传播; Radioudbredelse; širjenje radijskih valov; 電波伝播; Radiogolfvoortplanting; Ferspreedenge fon Radiowoogen; propagación de ondas de radio; propagacja fal radiowych; Поширення радіохвиль; radiopropagatie; 無線電傳播; 无线电传播; 전파의 전파; radioaaltojen eteneminen; radio propagation; انتشار راديوي; 无线电传播; Разпространение на радиовълните; obnašanje radijskih valov, ko potujejo ali se širijo od ene točke do druge ali v različne dele ozračja; Funkausbreitungsbedingungen; comportamiento de las ondas de radio (electromagnéticas) cuando se trasladan por el espacio; behavior of radio waves as they travel, or are propagated, from one point to another, or into various parts of the atmosphere; راديوي الانتشار; diffusione del segnale elettromagnetico nell'etere attraverso le onde radio; voortplantingen van radiogolven; 電波傳播; 電波伝搬; 異常伝播; 異常伝搬; ラジオダクト; 無線ダクト; 山岳回折; 伝播障害; radiopropagación; Propagação de ondas eletromagnéticas; Propagação de radiofreqüência; 电波传播; rozprzestrzenianie się fal radiowych; 电波传播; 無線電傳播; Radiobølgernes udbredelse; Udbredelse af radiobølger; Radiofrekvensernes udbredelse</nowiki>
radio propagation 
behavior of radio waves as they travel, or are propagated, from one point to another, or into various parts of the atmosphere
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Wikidata Q1474701
NDL Authority ID: 00561396
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Files regarding the propagation of en:radio frequencies.


This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.








Media in category "Radio propagation"

The following 136 files are in this category, out of 136 total.