Category:Rhyncholestes raphanurus
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Classis: Mammalia • Subclassis: Theria • Infraclassis: Marsupialia • Ordo: Paucituberculata • Familia: Caenolestidae • Genus: Rhyncholestes • Species: Rhyncholestes raphanurus Osgood, 1924
- English: Chilean Caenolestid, Chilean Shrew Opossum, Long-nosed Caenolestid, Long-nosed Shrew Opossum
- Kotava: Taruakol
- brezhoneg: Minoc'h-oposom friek
- català: Opòssum rata de l'illa Chiloé
- Deutsch: Chile-Opossummaus, Chilenische Opossummaus
- español: Comadrejita Trompuda
- فارسی: صاریغ موشی بینیدراز
- français: Cénoletidé du Chili
- עברית: אופוסום חדפי חוטמני
- Bahasa Indonesia: Runcu hidung-panjang
- 日本語: チリケノレステス
- 한국어: 긴코새도둑주머니쥐
- Latina: Rhyncholestes
- Malti: Opossum bugeddum ta' mnieħru twil
- Nederlands: Chiliopossummuis
- polski: Zbójek długonosy
- русский: Чилийский ценолест
- svenska: Chileinkanäbbmus
- Tiếng Việt: Rhyncholestes
- 中文: 智利袋鼠
- 中文(中国大陆): 智利袋鼠

Wikispecies has an entry on:
- Note: For ITIS & Mammal Species of the World (2005), this is currently the only extant (living) species in the genus Rhyncholestes (Retrieved on 10 June 2012).
Rhyncholestes raphanurus Osgood, 1924 (old web site) (Near Threatened)
Media in category "Rhyncholestes raphanurus"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
Chilean Caenolestid area.png 212 × 319; 4 KB
Rhyncholestes Range.jpg 2,480 × 3,508; 418 KB
Rhyncholestes raphanurus AD.png 773 × 974; 774 KB