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Category:Rhyncholestes raphanurus

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DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumChordata • SubphylumVertebrata • InfraphylumGnathostomata • CladusOsteichthyes • SuperclassisTetrapoda • CladusAmniota • ClassisMammalia • SubclassisTheria • InfraclassisMarsupialia • OrdoPaucituberculata • FamiliaCaenolestidae • GenusRhyncholestes • Species: Rhyncholestes raphanurus Osgood, 1924
R. r. continentalis, R. r. raphanurus
<nowiki>Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; opòssum rata de l'illa Chiloé; Chilenische Opossummaus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; صاریغ موشی بینی‌دراز; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; チリケノレステス; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Chiles inkanäbbmus; אופוסום חדפי חוטמני; Rhyncholestes; 智利袋鼠; 긴코새도둑주머니쥐; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes; Opossum ġurdien ta' mnieħru twil; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Taruakol (Rhyncholestes raphanurus); Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Zbójek długonosy; 智利袋鼠; Chiliopossummuis; Runcu hidung-panjang; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Чилийский ценолест; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Long-nosed caenolestid; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Minoc'h-oposom friek; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; specie di animale della famiglia Caenolestidae; স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণীর প্রজাতি; espèce de mammifères; especie de mamíferu; Art der Gattung Rhyncholestes; loài động vật có vú; speiceas mamach; 鼩负鼠科智利袋鼠属的一种哺乳动物; vrsta sesalcev v redu Rhyncholestes; spesies mamalia; pattedyrart; pattedyrart; soort uit het geslacht Rhyncholestes; species of mammal; نوع من الثدييات; вид бозайник; вид ссавців; Comadrejita trompuda; Cénoletidé du Chili; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Чилийские ценолесты; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Chile-Opossummaus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; 智利袋鼠属; Rhyncholestes raphanurus; Rhyncholestes raphanurus</nowiki>
Long-nosed caenolestid 
species of mammal
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IUCN conservation status
Common name
SpeciesRhyncholestes raphanurus
Taxon authorWilfred Hudson Osgood, 1924
Authority file
Wikidata Q1072880
IUCN taxon ID: 19710
NCBI taxonomy ID: 33559
ITIS TSN: 552589
Encyclopedia of Life ID: 129527
GBIF taxon ID: 2433370
MSW ID: 10500016
Xeno-canto species ID: Rhyncholestes-raphanurus
iNaturalist taxon ID: 43261
BOLD Systems taxon ID: 26201
ADW taxon ID: Rhyncholestes_raphanurus
IRMNG ID: 10209881
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