<nowiki>Sociedad de Ingenieros Automotrices; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; جمعية مهندسي السيارات الدولية; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; 国际汽车工程师学会; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; انجمن مهندسان خودرو; Дружество на автомобилните инженери; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; SAE; SAE International; 國際汽車工程師學會; 国际汽车工程师学会; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; SAE International; 国际汽车工程师学会; Society of Automotive Engineers; strokovno združenje in organizacija za standardizacijo v prometu in drugih panogah; organisme de normalisation; Himpunan insinyur dalam bidang teknik mobil atau kendaraan bermotor di Amerika Serikat; international standards development organization for automotive and other industries; Society of Automotive engineers professional association (founded 1905); Society of Automotive Engineers; جمعية مهنية دولية مقرها الولايات المتحدة; Standardisierungsorganisation; organização internacional de desenvolvimento de normas para a indústria automotiva e outras indústrias; Standards Body; انجمن حرفهای و سازمان استاندارد حمل و نقل و سایر صنایع; profesní a standardizační organizace pro dopravu a další odvětví; yhdysvaltalainen autoalan standardisointijärjestö; Sociedad de Ingenieros de Automocion; Sociedad de Ingenieros de Automoción; SAE internacional; Society of Automotive Engineers; SAE International; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Общество автомобильных инженеров; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Съюз на автомобилните инженери; Society of Automotive Engineers; Докозахексаеноевата киселина; 自動機工程學會總會; 汽車工程師協會; 美國汽車工程師協會; 國際汽車工程師協; 汽车工程师学会; 國際汽車工程學會; SAE國際; Society of Automotive Engineers; SAE; sae.org; アメリカ自動車技術者協会; オートモーティブ; 米国自動車技術者協会; 米国自動車技術会; SAEインターナショナル; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; SAE-getal; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; SAE International; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; SAE; sae.org; SAE International; Society of Automotive Engineers; SAE; Society of Automotive Engineers</nowiki>
SAE International
international standards development organization for automotive and other industries