Category:SVG left arrow icons
This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
Media in category "SVG left arrow icons"
The following 74 files are in this category, out of 74 total.
Antu edit-undo.svg 512 × 512; 344 bytes
Arrleft.svg 110 × 133; 623 bytes
Arrow facing left - Green.svg 181 × 90; 288 bytes
Arrow go previous beige.svg 128 × 128; 5 KB
Arrow icon-rtl.svg 512 × 512; 3 KB
Arrow void left JR.svg 30 × 20; 844 bytes
Arrow White Short west.svg 512 × 244; 216 bytes
Arrow White west.svg 512 × 207; 216 bytes
Arrows 12x12 w.svg 12 × 12; 253 bytes
Blue Glass Arrow RTL.svg 128 × 100; 5 KB
Blue Merge arrow.svg 50 × 20; 718 bytes
Breathe-edit-undo.svg 128 × 128; 16 KB
Breeze-system-log-out-16.svg 512 × 512; 647 bytes
Breezeicons-actions-22-draw-triangle1.svg 512 × 512; 512 bytes
Breezeicons-actions-22-edit-undo.svg 512 × 512; 663 bytes
Breezeicons-actions-22-go-previous-context.svg 512 × 512; 1 KB
Breezeicons-actions-22-go-previous.svg 512 × 512; 503 bytes
Breezeicons-actions-32-arrow-left-double.svg 512 × 512; 570 bytes
Brown Arrow.svg 1,200 × 1,120; 202 bytes
Chess lad45.svg 45 × 45; 3 KB
Chess lal45.svg 45 × 45; 3 KB
Crystal128-back.svg 64 × 64; 6 KB
Edit-undo.svg 48 × 48; 3 KB
Exithome.svg 128 × 128; 23 KB
Faenza-edit-undo.svg 96 × 96; 38 KB
Fleche-defaut-gauche-bord.svg 18 × 35; 817 bytes
Gartoon actions 1leftarrow.svg 60 × 60; 4 KB
Gartoon actions 2leftarrow.svg 60 × 60; 5 KB
Gartoon actions button ok.svg 60 × 60; 6 KB
Gnome-edit-undo.svg 48 × 48; 9 KB
Go-next-purple-left.svg 51 × 51; 7 KB
Go-previous-grey.svg 48 × 48; 3 KB
Go-previous.svg 48 × 48; 2 KB
Green Arrow Left.svg 700 × 700; 448 bytes
Gtk-go-back-ltr-grey.svg 60 × 60; 26 KB
Gtk-go-back-ltr.svg 64 × 64; 3 KB
Gtk-undo-ltr.svg 64 × 64; 4 KB
Guideline icon e1.svg 256 × 256; 1 KB
Historisches deutsches Verkehrszeichen Links Fahren.svg 2,220 × 800; 7 KB
HSR 1996 II 3.4g.svg 127 × 127; 16 KB
HSR 1996 II 3.5f.svg 142 × 142; 19 KB
Human-go-previous.svg 128 × 128; 3 KB
Jsdx-gauche.svg 44 × 35; 2 KB
Left-arrow-white.svg 1,120 × 1,200; 2 KB
Left.svg 1,120 × 1,200; 2 KB
LeftArrow.svg 68 × 347; 2 KB
LeftArrow1.svg 135 × 347; 3 KB
MediaWiki Vector skin left arrow.svg 16 × 16; 171 bytes
Mergefrom 2.svg 50 × 20; 2 KB
Mergefrom-3.svg 48 × 48; 80 KB
Mergefrom.svg 50 × 20; 4 KB
Move to userspace.svg 500 × 200; 1 KB
Move warning.svg 500 × 408; 2 KB
Navigation Left Arrow.svg 165 × 130; 3 KB
Nuvola apps backward arrow.svg 128 × 128; 3 KB
Nuvola arrow left.svg 60 × 60; 26 KB
OOjs UI indicator arrow-rtl-invert.svg 12 × 12; 250 bytes
Oxygen15.04.1-edit-undo Workaround.svg 512 × 512; 11 KB
Pfeil NW.svg 100 × 100; 451 bytes
Pfeil SW.svg 100 × 100; 461 bytes
Purple arrow left.svg 250 × 250; 2 KB
Right banner end.svg 101 × 200; 171 bytes
Short left arrow - green.svg 80 × 42; 162 bytes
Short left arrow - red.svg 80 × 42; 162 bytes
Symbol green left arrow vote.svg 180 × 185; 1 KB
Tourner a gauche turn left.svg 1,052 × 744; 4 KB
Translation English to Persian.svg 512 × 171; 6 KB
Translation from ukrainian arrow.svg 51 × 12; 4 KB
Translation to urdu arrow.svg 60 × 20; 2 KB
TriangleArrow-White-Left.svg 461 × 532; 2 KB
Uploadform arrow.svg 60 × 60; 3 KB
White left arrow.svg 35 × 34; 3 KB
Wikimoji-Fast Reverse.svg 512 × 516; 2 KB
Wikimoji-Reverse.svg 512 × 516; 2 KB