Category:Salzburger Dom

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<nowiki>Catedral de Salzburgo; Salzburgi dóm; Salzburgoko katedrala; Зальцбургский собор; Salzburger Dom; کلیسای جامع زالتسبورگ; 萨尔茨堡主教座堂; Salzburg Domkirke; Catedrala din Salzburg; Salzburger Dom; Katedrála svätého Ruperta a Virgila; Зальцбурзький собор; Ecclesia Cathedralis Salisburgensis; 잘츠부르크 대성당; Զալցպուրկի Մայր եկեղեցի; Katedralo de Salcburgo; Katedrála svatého Ruperta a Virgila; Soizburga Dom; cattedrale di Salisburgo; cathédrale Saint-Rupert de Salzbourg; Salzburgi katedraal; Catedral de Salzburgo; Zalcburgas katedrāle; salzburška stolnica; קתדרלת זלצבורג; Katedral Salzburg; Katedra św. Ruperta w Salzburgu; Domtsjerke fan Salzburg; Dom van Salzburg; Catedral de Salzburg; كاتدرائيه سالزبورج; Залцбургска катедрала; Զալցբուրգի տաճար; Salzburg Cathedral; Salzburg Katedrali; Καθεδρικός ναός του Σάλτσμπουργκ; Салцбуршка катедрала; Chiesa in Austria; Kirchengebäude in Salzburg; gereja di Austria; bouwwerk in Salzburg; ρωμαιοκαθολικός ναός στην Αυστρία; templom Ausztriában; Kirchengebäude in Salzburg; cathédrale en Autriche; church in Austria; stolna cerkev v Salzburgu (Avstrija); katedrála v Salcburku; catedral católica de Salzburgo, Austria; Salzburger Dom; Dom, hll. Rupert und Virgil; Καθεδρικός ναός του Ζάλτσμπουργκ; Καθεδρικός ναός των Αγίων Ροβέρτου και Βιργιλίου; salzburška katedrala</nowiki>
Salzburg Cathedral 
church in Austria
Fachada tras la restauración
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Instance of
Named after
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Street address
  • Domplatz 1a
Located on street
Architectural style
Has part(s)
Heritage designation
  • 8th century
Religion or worldview
official website
Map47° 47′ 52″ N, 13° 02′ 49″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q258908
VIAF cluster ID: 241519858
GND ID: 4224677-5
NL CR AUT ID: xx0250580
J9U ID: 987007599416105171
Structurae structure ID: 20019572
Heritage Information System ID in the database of cultural heritage in Austria: 45490
OpenStreetMap way ID: 239345806
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  This category shows the protected monument with the number 46853 in Austria. (Commons, de, Wikidata) Upload more media to this category
Deutsch: Salzburger Dom St. Rupert und Virgil
English: Salzburg Cathedral St. Rupert (of Salzburg) and Vergilius (of Salzburg)


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Pages in category "Salzburger Dom"

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Media in category "Salzburger Dom"

The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.