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Category:Sarothrura ayresi

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IOC Classification: DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumChordata • SubphylumVertebrata • InfraphylumGnathostomata • CladusOsteichthyes • SuperclassisTetrapoda • CladusAmniota • CladusReptilia • CladusArchosauria • ClassisAves • SuperordoNeognathae • OrdoGruiformes • FamiliaSarothruridae • GenusSarothrura • Species: Sarothrura ayresi (Gurney, 1877)
Wikispecies has an entry on:
<nowiki>polluela especulada; fehérszárnyú bolyhosfarkúmadár; Sarothrura ayresi; Sarothrura ayresi; Sarothrura ayresi; Sarothrura ayresi; Sarothrura ayresi; دم‌کرکی بال‌سفید; Sarothrura ayresi; Hvidvinget Dunhale; Sarothrura ayresi; アフリカシマクイナ; Sarothrura ayresi; Vitvingad dunrall; Sarothrura ayresi; Sarothrura ayresi; pilkkarääkkiäinen; Ayres-sarotruro; chřástal Ayresův; Sarothrura ayresi; Râle à miroir; Valgetiib-pirk; Sarothrura ayresi; Witvlerkvleikuiken; Sarothrura ayresi; kusokurka białoskrzydła; Hvitvingedunrikse; witvleugelral; Sarothrura ayresi; Frango-d’água-d’asa-branca; Corregen adeinwen; White-winged Flufftail; Sarothrura ayresi; páperochvost zrkadlokrídly; Sarothrura ayresi; specie di uccello; পাখির প্রজাতি; madárfaj; especie de páxaru; rhywogaeth o adar; espécie de ave; speiceas éan; вид птица; Art der Gattung Sarothrura; вид птахів; afrikansk fågelart; fugleart; fugleart; vogel uit de familie Sarothruridae; druh vtáka rodu Sarothrura; espèce d'animaux; especie de ave; lintulaji; species of bird; نوع من الطيور; druh ptáka rodu Sarothrura; voëlspesie; Sarothrura ayresi; Polluela especulada; Sarothrura ayresi; frango-d'água-d'asa-branca; codorniz-de-água-especulada; franga-d'água-d'asa-branca; Sarothrura ayresi; White-winged crake; Spiegelralle; Codapiuma alibianche; Sarothrura ayresi</nowiki>
White-winged Flufftail 
species of bird
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IUCN conservation status
Common name
SpeciesSarothrura ayresi
Original combinationCoturnicops ayresi
Taxon authorJohn Henry Gurney Sr., 1877
Authority file
Wikidata Q278132
IUCN taxon ID: 22692245
NCBI taxonomy ID: 1970743
ITIS TSN: 176365
GBIF taxon ID: 5228178
Avibase taxon ID: 534D524CD933EE5A
Xeno-canto species ID: Sarothrura-ayresi
iNaturalist taxon ID: 347
NBN System Key: NHMSYS0000533743
eBird taxon ID: whwflu1
BOLD Systems taxon ID: 113533
ADW taxon ID: Sarothrura_ayresi
IRMNG ID: 10197993
BirdLife taxon ID: 22692245
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Media in category "Sarothrura ayresi"

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