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Category:Shellac records

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Deutsch: Schellackplatten sind die Vorläufer der Vinyl-Schallplatten
English: Shellac records were the most common type of disc phonograph or gramophone records from shortly before 1900 into the 1950s, when they were replaced by vinyl records.
<nowiki>78 RPM; Disque 78 tours; 78 оборотов в минуту; Schellackplatte; disco de 78 rotações; 78 rpm record; SP唱片; 78 giri; šelakova plošča; 78rpm; disco de 78 rotações; SPレコード; 78-varvare; 78-plate; תקליט 78 סיבובים לדקה; 78 toeren; šelaková platňa; płyta szelakowa; Gramofonilevy; 표준시간 음반; 78 rpm record; Ŝelakdisko; 78-plate; Taş plak; disco fonografico realizzato in gommalacca; 記録媒体の一種; Disque phonographique, généralement couvert de gomme-laque noire, qui tourne à environ 78 tours par minute; typ av grammofonskiva med en uppspelningshastigheten 78 varv per minut; Schallplattentyp; analoginen äänilevyformaatti; widely used type of coarsegroove phonograph record, with 30 to 40 grooves per centimetre; widely used type of coarsegroove phonograph record, with 30 to 40 grooves per centimetre; formato de grabación musical en discos; razširjena vrsta gramofonske plošče z grobimi utori, s 30 do 40 utori na centimeter; plošča z 78 obrati na minuto; SP盤; 78 tours; 78T; septante-huit tours; soixante-dix-huit tours; stenkaka; stenkakor; 78 R P M; 78rpm; 78 R.P.M.; steinkake; Steinkake; 78-toerenplaten; 78-toerenplaat; 78 toerenplaat; 78-toeren; грампластинка на 78 оборотов; 78 об/мин; disco de goma-laca; 78er; Schelllackplatte; Schellackschallplatte; 78 rotações; disco 78 rpm; disco de cera; disco de goma-laca; shellac record; coarsegroove record; šelaková gramofónová platňa; תקליט 78 סל"ד; 78 rpm</nowiki>
widely used type of coarsegroove phonograph record, with 30 to 40 grooves per centimetre
Alŝuti plurmedion
  • gramophone record format
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vikidatumoj Q1781403
GND-identigilo (Germanio): 4135113-7
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