Category:Sibyl of Delphi

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  • English: The Delphic Sibyl was a legendary figure who made prophecies in the sacred precinct of Apollo at Delphi, on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. According to a late source, her mother was Lamia, daughter of Poseidon. The Delphic Sibyl was not involved in the operation of the Delphic Oracle and should be considered distinct from the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo.
<nowiki>sibilla delfica; Delphoi Szibülla; Delfosko Sibila; Дельфийская сивилла; Sibylle von Delphi; 德爾斐女先知; Oracolul din Delphi; Sybilla Delficka; Den delfiske sibylle; Sibila Délfica; Delfoin sibylla; sibylle de Delphes; Delfiya sivillasi; Delphic Sibyl; Delphi Sibyllası; Δελφική Σίβυλλα; Delfska Sibila; Yunan mitolojisinde efsanevi kahinler; Legendás jósnő; Prophetess of classical antiquity; prophétesse de l'Antiquité classique; сивилла из древнегреческой мифологии</nowiki>
Delphic Sibyl 
Prophetess of classical antiquity
Дельфийская сивилла в представлении Микеланджело
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Media in category "Sibyl of Delphi"

The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.