Category:Smelling salts

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<nowiki>sels de pâmoison; нюхальная соль; Suspertzeko gatzak; garam hidu; Riechsalz; نمک بودار; Vlugsout; Lugtesalt; dišeča sol; 気付け薬; Luktesalt; нюхальна сіль; luktsalt; Sole trzeźwiące; מלח הרחה; 嗅鹽; ยาดม; 嗅盐; luktesalt; Hajusuola; smelling salts; أملاح الشم; čichací sůl; нюхательная соль; вещество для спасения от обморока; stechend riechende Substanzen zur Belebung bei Ohnmachtsanfällen; kalkin ja ammoniumsuolan seos; ammonium carbonate used in the past to restore consciousness after fainting; mélange de divers acides et d'alcalis, parfois à base de carbonate d'ammonium, qui servaient à ranimer les personnes incommodées; snov, ki sprošča amonijak in ima oster vonj, za odpravljanje vrtoglavic in omedlevice; garam cium; sels; ammonia inhalants; كربونات النشادر; Riechstäbchen; Riechfläschchen; Schlagbalsam; Riechsalze; Englisches Riechsalz</nowiki>
smelling salts 
ammonium carbonate used in the past to restore consciousness after fainting
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.

Media in category "Smelling salts"

The following 23 files are in this category, out of 23 total.