Category:Sophie Menter

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Deutsch: Sophie Menter (später verheiratete Popper, * 29. Juli 1846 in München; † 23. Februar 1918 in Stockdorf (heute ein Ortsteil von Gauting)) war eine deutsche Pianistin und Musikpädagogin.

(This summary was created using Commons SumItUp)

<nowiki>Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sofie Menter; Sophie Menter; 索菲·门特; Sophie Menter; სოფი მენტერი; ゾフィー・メンター; سوفى مينتر; סופי מנטר; Sophie Menter; 索菲·門特; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Соф'я Восіпаўна Ментэр; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; 索菲·门特; Софья Осиповна Ментер; Sophie Menter; Sophie Menter; صوفي مينتر; 索菲·门特; 조피 멘터; música alemana; জার্মান সুরকার; musicienne allemande; Saksamaa muusik; músic alemanya; Germany karimma ŋun nyɛ paɣa; cyfansoddwr a aned yn 1846; deutsche Pianistin; German musician; پیانیست آلمانی; موسيقية ألمانية; tysk pianist; muziciană germană; música alemá; tysk pianist; ceoltóir Gearmánach; German ndwomtoni; tysk pianist; німецька музикантка; Duits pianiste (1846-1913); tysk pianist; pianista e compositrice tedesca; מוזיקאית גרמנייה; 독일 피아니스트; German musician (1846–1918); German musician; muzikante gjermane; German ndwomtonyi; Sophie Menter-Popper; Sophie Menter; Menter; Sophie Popper; Софья Ментер; Ментер Софья Осиповна; София Ментер</nowiki>
Sophie Menter 
German musician (1846–1918)
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Name in native language
  • Sophie Menter
Date of birth29 July 1846
Date of death23 February 1918
Place of burial
Country of citizenship
Authority file
Wikidata Q66818
ISNI: 0000000083814448
VIAF cluster ID: 49988721
GND ID: 116885793
Library of Congress authority ID: n82145583
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 166072902
IdRef ID: 153356677
NL CR AUT ID: mzk2012734231
National Library of Spain ID: XX5084046
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 430106084
NLP ID (old): a0000003024395
PLWABN ID: 9810589091005606
J9U ID: 987007411958705171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA11981901
Open Library ID: OL6178093A
MusicBrainz artist ID: d42a4165-3080-4fa5-9727-f9adbadd7367
Europeana entity: agent/base/110579
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Media in category "Sophie Menter"

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