Category:Speed of light
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Uun detdiar kategorii stun 7 onerkategoriin faan 7 uun't gehial.
Meedien uun kategorii "Speed of light"
Uun detdiar kategorii stun jodiar 60 datein faan 60 uun't gehial.
001FOTONTT.JPG 540 × 720; 37 KB
02FOTONTT.JPG 540 × 720; 41 KB
Bradley-New Discovered Motion of the Fixed Stars.pdf 839 × 1.375, 25 sidjen; 6,52 MB
Brzina svetlosti01.png 1.182 × 365; 84 KB
CARRO.JPG 960 × 720; 18 KB
Chronograph chart used in Cornu's speed of light determination.png 1.059 × 178; 75 KB
De Sitter argument against emission theory.gif 405 × 110; 127 KB
Diagramme-composition-vitesses-François-Dominique.png 1.038 × 537; 33 KB
Earth and Moon Size and Distance scale - with real-time light speed!.webm 15 s, 2.560 × 1.440; 442 KB
Earth and Moon speed of light by James O'Donoghue.gif 646 × 122; 33 KB
Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics illo124.png 1.350 × 776; 56 KB
Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics illo132.png 944 × 808; 65 KB
Energy momentum space.svg 590 × 581; 31 KB
Fizeau interferometer.JPG 816 × 552; 30 KB
Fizeau water experiment.JPG 688 × 472; 25 KB
Fizeau-int.svg 661 × 550; 28 KB
FIZEAU.jpg 720 × 540; 34 KB
Foucault's determination of relative speed of light air vs water.png 1.052 × 702; 131 KB
Gamma draconis.JPG 861 × 473; 51 KB
History of measurements of c.svg 600 × 480; 16 KB
HoekExperiment with expected results.png 1.326 × 386; 54 KB
Huyghens - Traité de la lumière - Fig. 1.svg 730 × 354; 4 KB
Huyghens - Traité de la lumière - Fig. 2.svg 250 × 600; 6 KB
Interferometer sol.svg 345 × 190; 27 KB
Invariância da velocidade da luz.png 584 × 247; 5 KB
Io eclipse speed of light measurement fr.svg 512 × 256; 23 KB
Io eclipse speed of light measurement-ru.svg 744 × 371; 16 KB
Io eclipse speed of light measurement.svg 512 × 256; 33 KB
JetBewegung.jpg 199 × 275; 19 KB
KonstdLichtgeschw.svg 600 × 353; 11 KB
Light world trip.ogg 3,1 s; 18 KB
Measure speed of light one-way.png 919 × 307; 30 KB
Michelson speed of light measurement 1930.jpg 1.168 × 470; 160 KB
Michelson's 1879 Refinement of Foucault.png 1.612 × 330; 75 KB
Michelson's illustration of the Foucault experiment - annotated.png 1.531 × 691; 118 KB
Natural units speed of light mr tompkins.png 300 × 300; 2 KB
Natural units speed of light we.png 300 × 300; 2 KB
Portrait of Albert Abraham Michelson (1852-1931), Physicist (2551015907).jpg 1.609 × 2.380; 854 KB
Projection.png 443 × 312; 5 KB
Relativity01.jpg 1.324 × 1.254; 130 KB
Retarded time.svg 749 × 527; 522 KB
Shadow faster than light.webm 33 s, 480 × 480; 1,49 MB
SitterKonstanz.png 472 × 340; 8 KB
SitterKonstanz1.djvu 3.125 × 4.533; 50 KB
SitterKonstanz2.djvu 3.125 × 4.467; 41 KB
Speed of light as a speed limit.svg 500 × 500; 3 KB
Speed of Light Experiment San Jacinto Mountain.jpg 4.032 × 1.960; 1,46 MB
Speed of light from Earth to Moon 400px.gif 400 × 36; 3 KB
Speed of light from Earth to Moon.gif 1.024 × 92; 6 KB
Speed of light from Earth to Moon.webm 2,4 s, 1.024 × 92; 7 KB
Speed of sound arm.JPG 530 × 300; 17 KB
St Nicholas-32-1-325.jpg 1.796 × 1.740; 442 KB
Temps de parcours GPS es.png 898 × 514; 215 KB
Temps de parcours GPS.PNG 898 × 514; 182 KB
The imaginary speed of light in a moving inertial frame.jpg 411 × 363; 10 KB
Velocidad de la Luz.png 764 × 612; 41 KB
Velocitat llum en aigua, aire i diamant.png 531 × 791; 136 KB
Vitesses-relativistes-François-Dominique.png 558 × 236; 12 KB
光行差hant.svg 420 × 492; 10 KB