Category:St. Jacobs, Ontario
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Ort | Woolwich, Regionalgemeinde Waterloo, Ontario, Kanadaa | ||||
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Media in Abdeeling „St. Jacobs, Ontario“
Folgende 42 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 42 insgesamt.
2011-07-06 07-08 Kanada, Ontario 006 St. Jacobs (6066537719).jpg 4.912 × 3.264; 5,94 MB
2011-07-06 07-08 Kanada, Ontario 012 St. Jacobs (6067092650).jpg 3.264 × 4.912; 4,4 MB
2011-07-06 07-08 Kanada, Ontario 014 St. Jacobs (6067097132).jpg 3.264 × 4.912; 8,62 MB
2016-st-jacobs-schoolhouse-theatre-official.jpg 2.500 × 1.667; 3,55 MB
Bicycle art in St. Jacobs (6066556739).jpg 4.912 × 3.264; 9,77 MB
Highways Woolwich.jpg 3.828 × 1.897; 4,91 MB
Home Hardware building St Jacobs Ontario.jpg 2.703 × 1.927; 2,9 MB
HomeHardwareStJacobs.jpg 876 × 584; 153 KB
McCormick.jpg 3.264 × 4.896; 5 MB
Mennonite carriage (cropped).jpg 2.088 × 1.041; 1,96 MB
Mennonite carriage.jpg 2.161 × 1.534; 1,9 MB
Mennonite mother and children on horse and wagon Hachborn St West.jpg 872 × 872; 247 KB
Mennonite riders in St. Jacobs, December 2008.jpg 1.214 × 824; 496 KB
Old and colourful riding mower.jpg 960 × 1.280; 260 KB
Old Evangelical Church (14280457343).png 1.708 × 960; 2,14 MB
Plungers (21735245000).jpg 4.752 × 3.168; 7,14 MB
St Jacobs Aerial.jpg 2.000 × 1.339; 2,36 MB
St Jacobs banner.jpg 2.100 × 300; 774 KB
St Jacobs Downtown.jpg 1.024 × 731; 686 KB
St Jacobs Farmers Market.jpg 2.796 × 2.056; 3,45 MB
St Jacobs Grill & Stone Crock Restaurant.jpg 1.145 × 1.145; 659 KB
St Jacobs Schoolhouse Theatre Official.jpg 5.472 × 3.648; 4,6 MB
ST. JACOBS (31207988).jpg 800 × 600; 130 KB
St. Jacobs (40422144210).jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 9,75 MB
St. Jacobs (40422303750).jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 8,98 MB
St. Jacobs (41328726405).jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 9,19 MB
St. Jacobs Mennonite Church (5283389724).jpg 1.296 × 840; 406 KB
St. Jacobs Millrace Trail in 2005.jpg 2.048 × 1.365; 3,1 MB
St. Jacobs Public School (28356459678).jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 9,75 MB
St. Jacobs Public School (41507998834).jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 10,08 MB
St. Jacobs Public School (42183104302).jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 12,41 MB
St.Jacobs-downtown.JPG 3.072 × 2.304; 1,16 MB
Unreal wheels.jpg 1.280 × 960; 280 KB
Walter Hachborn Statue.jpg 304 × 664; 156 KB
Waterloo Central Railway Bridge.JPG 4.000 × 3.000; 6,17 MB
WCR equipment.jpg 4.608 × 3.456; 7,17 MB
Yellow TH and B train car in St Jacobs, Ontario.jpg 4.000 × 3.000; 5,06 MB
Young foal (28128168308).jpg 1.536 × 2.048; 1,03 MB