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disciplina che ha come fine lo studio quantitativo e qualitativo di un particolare fenomeno | |||||
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Questa categoria contiene le 48 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 48.
- Anscombe's quartet (16 F)
- Bias (statistics) (3 F)
- Forest plots (7 F)
- Procrustes analysis (8 F)
- Statistical proof (1 F)
- Statistik (German Wikibooks) (98 F)
- SVG statistics (38 F)
- Tor project statistics (6 F)
File nella categoria "Statistics"
Questa categoria contiene 200 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 1 313.
(pagina precedente) (pagina successiva)-
(Geschichte) Statistik und Urkunden Sammlung über Wallis.jpg 744 × 1 172; 90 KB
01fig-confounding.png 960 × 540; 48 KB
02 basic projection.svg 2 607 × 2 469; 30 KB
02 correlation constant centered variables.svg 4 969 × 3 357; 139 KB
02 correlation constant proof.svg 4 969 × 3 357; 172 KB
04fig-venn-001.png 1 834 × 938; 95 KB
04fig-venn-002.png 1 834 × 938; 95 KB
04fig-venn-003.png 1 834 × 938; 97 KB
04fig-venn-004.png 1 834 × 938; 94 KB
04fig-venn-005.png 1 834 × 938; 96 KB
04fig-venn-006.png 1 834 × 938; 99 KB
04fig-venn-007.png 1 834 × 938; 101 KB
0516 AllAvg25.png 789 × 524; 52 KB
0516 FiveAvg25.png 742 × 519; 32 KB
0516 FiveDonations.png 742 × 519; 32 KB
08fig-empirical.png 700 × 432; 35 KB
08fig-standardize.png 1 170 × 373; 60 KB
15fig-all-boards.png 753 × 218; 146 KB
15fig-all-dart-dist.png 752 × 620; 91 KB
15fig-normal-est.png 746 × 620; 85 KB
15fig-unif-est.png 746 × 620; 86 KB
15–64-vuotiaiden työllisyysaste 2010–2022.pdf 1 250 × 772; 43 KB
16fig-clt-boot-compare.png 746 × 620; 85 KB
17412-mata-de-alcantara.gif 550 × 520; 18 KB
17fig-boot-ci.png 700 × 432; 47 KB
18fig-match.png 421 × 500; 116 KB
1st-snow.png 312 × 128; 5 KB
2 Sample Test.png 982 × 597; 35 KB
2000 World Census of Agriculture – Methodological Review.pdf 1 239 × 1 760, 118 pagine; 5,87 MB
2004 WMF Election participation2.png 1 045 × 517; 2 KB
20171231 wiki-figure.svg 595 × 842; 41 KB
2021 Nigerian Men's Literacy rate Nigeria MICS continued.png 1 249 × 739; 263 KB
2021 Nigerian Men's Literacy rate Nigeria MICS.png 1 270 × 743; 240 KB
2021 Nigerian women's Literacy rate Nigeria MICS Continued.png 1 236 × 733; 266 KB
2021 Nigerian women's Literacy rate Nigeria MICS.png 1 267 × 731; 246 KB
27 tarifs pour revenus 1.jpg 605 × 432; 35 KB
27 tarifs pour revenus 1.svg 567 × 404; 25 KB
27 tarifs pour revenus 2.jpg 605 × 432; 33 KB
27 tarifs pour revenus 2.svg 567 × 404; 24 KB
27 tarifs pour revenus 3.jpg 605 × 432; 37 KB
28 tarifs pour revenus 1.jpg 605 × 432; 33 KB
3 types damage function NT.PNG 850 × 1 850; 144 KB
3d plot.jpg 354 × 302; 111 KB
3dProjections.png 640 × 480; 27 KB
3VehiclePerformanceMetrics.png 1 920 × 911; 127 KB
4class3ddiscriminant.png 640 × 494; 113 KB
4fold3class.jpg 536 × 373; 122 KB
68–95–99.7-stddev-ru.svg 712 × 528; 2 KB
68–95–99.7-stddev.png 1 978 × 1 416; 115 KB
95% CI.png 1 020 × 760; 199 KB
Infografik Bentuk Penyajian Data.png 410 × 1 024; 273 KB
Repetibilidad gr.png 275 × 213; 6 KB
Reproducibilidad gr.jpg 315 × 160; 7 KB
Abortion deaths.gif 478 × 487; 9 KB
Abweichung.png 588 × 354; 49 KB
AC danube acorr.png 901 × 653; 16 KB
AC danube base.png 936 × 653; 15 KB
AC Time to failure LT 100 hours.svg 609 × 423; 82 KB
AchtergrondSubtractie.png 577 × 268; 7 KB
Actividades favoritas, según segmento (amas de casa).png 888 × 499; 35 KB
Actividades favoritas, según segmento.png 886 × 498; 37 KB
Actual hybrid vehicles sold versus expected number..png 1 117 × 678; 60 KB
Afbeelding Wiskunde Lijn door Mid-Top y Divisionair Maximum.png 800 × 600; 35 KB
Afbeelding Wiskunde Lijn door Mid-Top y. Het Divisionair Maximum.png 593 × 579; 52 KB
Afbeelding Wiskunde Parabool.png 456 × 478; 24 KB
Afbeelding Wiskunde.png 456 × 478; 22 KB
AfbeeldingWiskunde Lijn door Mid-Top y Divisionair Maximum.png 800 × 600; 37 KB
Affective Slider Scale.png 1 800 × 707; 41 KB
Afli eftir löndum.png 964 × 547; 104 KB
Afli tundurstirtlu.png 729 × 402; 119 KB
Age at first marriage of 5534 US women.svg 809 × 309; 53 KB
Age Distrubution Woodhouse Close.jpg 518 × 280; 63 KB
Ages of women who completed Cherry Blossum run.svg 809 × 309; 65 KB
Agradecer-es-wiki-2014-2020-Top10-Flourish.png 1 018 × 646; 68 KB
Agradecer-es-wiki-2014-2020.png 608 × 318; 44 KB
Algebra1 stt fig001 rias.svg 345 × 235; 55 KB
Algebra1 stt fig002 graf.svg 211 × 176; 47 KB
Algebra1 stt fig003 graf.svg 211 × 176; 54 KB
Algebra1 stt fig004 emo.svg 89 × 20; 9 KB
Algebra1 stt fig005 emo.svg 153 × 20; 13 KB
Algebra1 stt fig006 emo.svg 234 × 20; 20 KB
Algebra1 stt fig007 emo.svg 320 × 136; 87 KB
Algebra1 stt fig008 dia.svg 469 × 265; 42 KB
Algebra1 stt fig009 dia.svg 431 × 309; 40 KB
Algebra1 stt fig010 areo.svg 355 × 248; 2,2 MB
Algebra1 stt fig011 areo.svg 456 × 211; 54 KB
Algebra1 stt fig011 dia.svg 258 × 225; 44 KB
Alighintaj Landaj Asocioj UEA 1950-2015.png 465 × 317; 16 KB
Alltime boxoffice grosses may 2018.png 10 200 × 8 100; 2,15 MB
Alpha-Fehler und Beta-Fehler.png 1 242 × 587; 30 KB
Alteraciones del censo del municipio de Albaida (Valencia) 1842-2011 (INE).jpg 1 333 × 453; 118 KB
ALVOS.JPG 584 × 661; 81 KB
Aml intervals table.png 600 × 230; 8 KB
Aml km intervals plot.svg 686 × 373; 131 KB
Aml KM with estimates.svg 686 × 373; 67 KB
Aml relapse intervals.svg 600 × 373; 115 KB
Aml time on study table.png 213 × 198; 4 KB
Andrew.png 560 × 420; 4 KB
Annotated R Interface.jpg 960 × 540; 63 KB
Another direct relation.jpg 1 239 × 1 816; 130 KB
Anscombe stabilized stdev.svg 440 × 360; 60 KB
Anscombe transform animated.gif 800 × 400; 849 KB
Anuario estadístico de Andalucía.png 407 × 80; 7 KB
App-Downloads-Report-Reference-Cite2.png 690 × 130; 8 KB
Applied Statistics Personal xG Kravtsov.jpg 1 649 × 1 200; 642 KB
Area-de-aceptacion-y-rechazo-chicuadrado.png 423 × 173; 14 KB
Area-de-aceptacion-y-rechazo-igual-ejemplo.png 423 × 173; 15 KB
Area-de-aceptacion-y-rechazo-igual.png 423 × 173; 18 KB
Arrival GT 30 minutes.svg 588 × 355; 56 KB
Arrival in less than 0.4 hours.svg 356 × 355; 64 KB
Arrival LT 30 minutes.svg 356 × 355; 162 KB
Arrival pdf and cdf 30 minutes.svg 780 × 390; 106 KB
Arrival pdf and cdf 40 minutes.svg 866 × 390; 108 KB
Arrival time normal.svg 356 × 355; 119 KB
As of August 2021, QFII Qualification Statistics.svg 3 349 × 1 275; 28 KB
Asymmetric AO.png 1 500 × 1 367; 21 KB
Geografía y estadística del estado de Michoacán de Ocampo (IA b28056279).pdf 1 222 × 1 839, 242 pagine; 12,23 MB
Backgammon probability.png 2 100 × 2 100; 242 KB
Bar chart, historical book production.png 1 820 × 963; 33 KB
Bardzo wysoka moc statystyczna.png 559 × 215; 12 KB
Based on Collett Fig 2.3.svg 453 × 373; 33 KB
Baseline characteristics in the intervention and control schools.png 755 × 335; 106 KB
Basic AUC annotated.png 435 × 431; 12 KB
Batman final diagram.tif 1 067 × 1 419; 769 KB
Bear Graph.webp 712 × 987; 90 KB
Bell Curve Showing 100 Faces to Illustrate Percentile Rank.png 765 × 325; 30 KB
Besucherzahlen Disneyland Paris.svg 576 × 432; 36 KB
Beta distributions.png 756 × 625; 67 KB
Biais-statistique.svg 520 × 355; 11 KB
Bias Correction.png 436 × 376; 13 KB
Bias described using LMM.jpg 242 × 623; 32 KB
BIC plot for model-based clustering of diabetes data.jpg 480 × 480; 40 KB
BigPictureGraphic.png 1 280 × 720; 151 KB
Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-10 um 21.10.19.png 2 510 × 854; 803 KB
Bildungstrichter.png 545 × 469; 28 KB
Binary Join Count.png 2 400 × 800; 22 KB
Birthday paradox approximation.svg 720 × 450; 54 KB
Biweight.png 480 × 480; 1 KB
Biweight.svg 649 × 589; 50 KB
Bland-Altman-Plot.png 464 × 348; 5 KB
Body temperature species data 2.png 390 × 139; 3 KB
Body temperature species data.png 392 × 134; 3 KB
Bombardeig Londres.svg 205 × 205; 14 KB
Bootstrapped Probability Density of the Mean of a Sample.png 640 × 480; 31 KB
Bounds.jpg 650 × 367; 139 KB
Box and whisker plot showing normal distribution. 01.jpg 476 × 252; 19 KB
Box and whisker plot showing skewed left distribution.jpg 476 × 252; 19 KB
Box and whisker plot showing skewed right distribution 2.jpg 476 × 252; 19 KB
Box and whisker plot showing skewed right distribution.jpg 476 × 252; 18 KB
Boxplot Europe heat flow vs Moho depth.png 2 705 × 1 943; 141 KB
BrGrowthMobiles.gif 568 × 300; 8 KB
BrMobileTecs.gif 528 × 333; 7 KB
Bubble plot logistic 170 volunteers.svg 611 × 411; 83 KB
Bus arrival density 0.5.svg 356 × 355; 62 KB
Bus arrival density 2.svg 356 × 355; 59 KB
Bus arrival time.svg 356 × 355; 53 KB
Busiest container ports top 10.png 3 535 × 2 337; 326 KB
Bäckerei90.png 2 993 × 2 455; 109 KB
C2c4factor.jpg 672 × 672; 181 KB
Caffeine grade table.png 420 × 193; 5 KB
Caffeine obs exp table 170.png 646 × 245; 9 KB
Caffeine obs exp table.png 609 × 191; 7 KB
Caffeine sparse data.png 425 × 341; 8 KB
Captura de pantalla 2024-11-05 a les 10.43.14.png 1 930 × 344; 69 KB
Carta di controllo fuori contr.jpg 553 × 331; 17 KB
Carta di controllo.jpg 553 × 331; 17 KB
Case control.jpg 536 × 218; 38 KB
Forest service atlas. Extracts from the statistical volume of the Forest Atlas for the fiscal year 1907 (IA CAT10508326).pdf 1 104 × 1 477, 73 pagine; 2,39 MB
Causal mediation (direct and indirect effects).png 670 × 466; 13 KB
Causal mediation (Total effect).png 637 × 192; 8 KB
Causes for incidents over Indian Airspace, 2013-2016.png 2 028 × 1 218; 114 KB
CB pdf.png 858 × 683; 101 KB
CCI.png 720 × 480; 3 KB
Cda sur iris.jpg 762 × 532; 49 KB
CDC Teenager Sex Stats 2015.png 502 × 317; 30 KB
CDF bounds.svg 360 × 288; 25 KB
CDF for AC failures.svg 609 × 423; 88 KB
CDF for skewed Beta distribution vs. x and beta= 5 alpha - J. Rodal.jpg 1 714 × 1 151; 209 KB
CDF for symmetric Beta distribution vs. x and alpha=beta - J. Rodal.jpg 1 599 × 1 056; 185 KB
CDF-2.png 720 × 530; 36 KB
Cdf-ecdf.svg 554 × 424; 42 KB
Censored Data Example.svg 1 358 × 654; 41 KB
Chain event graph example.png 580 × 217; 36 KB
Chance Elevens Game will End at Given Move.png 5 689 × 4 134; 209 KB
Chance to Win after n Moves in Elevens Game.png 5 689 × 4 134; 203 KB
Chart 01.jpg 1 228 × 466; 88 KB
Chart Number of edits to Deaths in Year article during the running month.png 1 140 × 827; 141 KB
Chemin solution du lasso.pdf 1 752 × 1 239; 8 KB