Category:Statute of limitations

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<nowiki>prescripción; elévülés; срок давности; Verjährung; Verjährung; statute of limitations; قانون مرور زمان; 消滅時效; Zamanaşımı; 出訴期限法; preskription; התיישנות; सीमाओं के क़ानून; vanhentuminen; Ескіріп қалған іс; Statute of limitations; promlčení; prescrizione; prescription; prescrição; 공소시효; Застарелост; prekluzija; Давност; Prescrição; Хөөн хэлэлцэх хугацаа; daluwarsa; Przedawnienie; foreldelsesfrist; verjaring; Prescripcion; foreldingsfrist; Prescripția răspunderii penale; Premlčanie; statute of limitations; التقادم المسقط; อายุความ; Preskripto; istituto giuridico che si occupa degli effetti del trascorrere del tempo su un procedimento giudiziario; jogi elv, szabályozás angolszász jogrendszerekben; juridiskt begrepp; מונח משפטי; verlopen van een recht of plicht; instituto jurídico por el cual el transcurso del tiempo produce el efecto de consolidar las situaciones de hecho; jonkin oikeuden raukeaminen, ellei sitä ole saatettu voimaan lain säätämässä tai sopimuksessa määritellyssä määräajassa; enactment in a common-law legal system; lege care stabilește un termen maxim pentru inițierea procedurilor judiciare; 民法制度; principe juridique; prescripcion; 出訴期限; Verfolgungsverjährung; limitation of actions; prescriptive period; preskriptionstid; foreldelse; zastaralno obdobje; prekluzivno obdobje; zastaranje</nowiki>
statute of limitations 
enactment in a common-law legal system
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  • legal institution
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Authority file
Wikidata Q1899048
GND ID: 4187781-0
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85077024
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11983555w
NDL Authority ID: 00574745
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 9254
NL CR AUT ID: ph124643
National Library of Spain ID: XX534084
J9U ID: 987007529219505171
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Media in category "Statute of limitations"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.