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Category:Stone of Scone

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<nowiki>Piedra de Scone; Scone-i kő; የስኮን ድንጊያ; Örlagasteinninn; Scone harria; Скунский камень; Stein von Scone; Stein von Scone; An Lia Fáil; Men Scone; 斯昆石; Stien fan Scone; Piatra Destinului; 斯昆石; Sconestenen; Скунський камінь; 斯昆石; स्कून का पत्थर; 스콘석; Ŝtono de Scone; Kámen ze Scone; Pietra di Scone; Pierre du destin; Скунскі камень; אבן סקון; Pedra da Coroação; 斯昆石; Stone of Scone; Stone of Scone; Stone of Scone; Kamen iz Sconea; スクーンの石; Pedra da Coroação; Stane o Scuin; หินแห่งสโคน; Kamień ze Scone; Lia Fàil; Kamen iz Sconea; Pedra de Scone; Stone of Scone; Kamen iz Sconea; Carreg y Coroni; Pedra de Scone; Stone of Scone; An Lia Fàil; سنگ سرنوشت; pietra parte del rituale d'incoronazione dei sovrani britannici; Sandsteinblock mit zeremonieller Bedeutung; objet du rituel de couronnement du monarque britannique; skót nemzeti szimbólum, a koronázási szertartásokban használták; pedra escocesa empregada nas cotoacións; священная реликвия Шотландии; block of red sandstone that has been used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland; tywodfaen lle coronwyd brenhinoedd yr Alban; Coronation Stone; Stone of Scone; Pietra del Destino; Pietra dell'incoronazione; 運命の石; Pierre de la destinée; Pierre de Scone; Kröningsstenen; Kamień przeznaczenia; Clach Sgàin; An Lia Fail; An Liath Fail; Lia Fail; Krunidbeni kamen; Kamen iz Skuna; Skunski kamen; Kamen sudbine; Сконский камень; אבן הגורל; Krönungsstein; 대관석; 스콘의 돌; 기적의 돌; 스콘 석; Lia-fail; Tanist Stone; Stone of Destiny; Coronation Stone; Scone; Kámen osudu; Steen van het Lot</nowiki>
Stone of Scone 
block of red sandstone that has been used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland
Atgynhyrchiad o Garreg Scone.
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Significant event
  • Removal of the Stone of Scone in 1950
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