<nowiki>tronco simpático; tronc sympathique; Simpatički lanac; Kate ortosinpatiko; cadena simpàtica; Grenzstrang; 交感神經幹; 交感神経幹; Grensstreng; sympatiska gränssträngen; Pień współczulny; 交感神经干; Truncus sympathicus; truncus sympathicus; Симпатический ствол; sympaattinen hermorunko; 교감신경줄기; sympathetic trunk; جذع ودي; συμπαθητικός κορμός; Simpatičko stablo; paired bundle of nerve fibers that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx; Ganglienkette des Sympathikus; 머리뼈바닥에서 꼬리뼈까지 주행하는 한 쌍의 신경섬유 다발; Truncus sympatheticus; Truncus sympathicus; Tronco simpatico; Ganglion paravertebrale; Paravertebralganglion; Truncus sympathicus; Ramus communicans albus; Ramus communicans griseus; 교감신경간; Truncus sympathicus; 交感神經鏈; 交感神经干; sympathetic chain; gangliated cord</nowiki>
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