Category:Tall ships

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English: The term tall ship has come into widespread use in the mid-20th century with the advent of The Tall Ships' Races, and was not generally used in the era when such ships were the norm.

The Sail Training International (STI) has extended the definition of tall ship for the purpose of its races, to embrace any sailing vessel with more than 9.14 m (30 ft.) waterline length and on which at least half the people on board are aged 15 to 25, this definition can include many modern sailing yachts, so for the purposes of this category, tall ship will refer to those vessels rated as class "A" only.

See Tall ship in the English Wikipedia

This is a supplementary category. Please also put any ships in the ships by type etc. categories.

 Siehe auch die Kategorie: Ships by number of masts.
 Siehe auch die Kategorie: Sailing ships by rig.
<nowiki>ladja z visokimi jambori; トールシップ; vieux gréement; Hásiglt skip; Wielki żaglowiec; tall ship; tallship; velero de mástiles altos; Grosssegler; Großsegler; nave d'alto bordo; tall ship; Altŝipo; 高桅帆船; tall ship; velika tradicionalno opremljena jadrnica; mehrmastiges Segelschiff; large, traditionally-rigged sailing vessel; classement; tipo di grosse navi a vela; Tall Ship; Tall ships; The Tall Ships' Race; velero de mastiles altos; Tall Ship; Tallship; tall ship</nowiki>
mehrmastiges Segelschiff
Medium hochladen
Ist ein(e)
  • Schiffstyp
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Medien in der Kategorie „Tall ships“

Folgende 86 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 86 insgesamt.