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Category:Teliu, Brașov

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<nowiki>Teliu; Keresztvár község; Teliu; Teliu, Braşov; Teliu; Teliu; Teliu; Teliu; Teliu; 泰利烏鄉; Општина Телиу; Teliu; Teliu; Comuna Teliu, Brașov; Teliu; Comuna Teliu; Teliu (gmina); Теліу; Телиу; Teliu; Teliu; Телиу; Opština Teliu, Brașov; Teliu; Teliu; Teliu; Teliu; comuna de Rumania; község Romániában, Brassó megyében; commune roumaine; Romanya'da komün (comună); comune rumeno; комуна Румунії; gemeente in Brașov; comuna de Romania; commune in Brașov County, Romania; Gemeinde in Rumänien; comuna da Roménia; común sa Rómáin; komunumo en Rumanio; 罗马尼亚乡份; comună din județul Brașov, România; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár; Kreuzburg; Teliu; Keresztvár; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár; Teliu, Brașov; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár; Kreuzburg; Keresztvár</nowiki>
commune in Brașov County, Romania
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Instance of
LocationBrașov County, Romania
Street address
  • Strada Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 449, Comuna Teliu, jud. Brașov, 507225
Head of government
  • Gheorghe Boalii (2020–)
  • 4,468 (2021)
  • 40.26 ±0.01 km²
official website
Map45° 41′ 52″ N, 25° 51′ 28″ E
Authority file
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.

Media in category "Teliu, Brașov"

The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.