Category:Temple of Eshmun

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<nowiki>Templo de Eshmún; temple d'Echmoun; Храм Эшмуна; Eschmun-Tempel; Templo de Eshmun; Храм на Ешмун; ეშმუნის ტაძარი; Eshmuns tempel; Сідонське святилище Ешмуна; Eşmun məbədi; temple d'Eshmun; De tempel van Echmoun; Tempio di Eshmun; Ešmunov tempelj; Temple of Eshmun; معبد أشمون; Kuil Esymun; מקדש אשמון; templo de Bustan el-Sheikh, Líbano; temple phénicien au Liban; bangunan kuil di Lebanon; nederzetting in Libanon; archäologische Stätte in Libanon; temple in Lebanon; مستوطنة في لبنان; human settlement in Lebanon; human settlement in Lebanon; معبد اشمون; Templo de Eshmun; Temple d'Eshmoun; Kuil Eshmun; معبدأشمون; معبد قشمون; Tempel van Esjmoen</nowiki>
Temple of Eshmun 
temple in Lebanon
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Instance of
LocationSidon, Sidon District, South Governorate, Lebanon
Heritage designation
official website
Map33° 35′ 08″ N, 35° 23′ 53″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q1367140
VIAF cluster ID: 316594895
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Media in category "Temple of Eshmun"

The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.