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<nowiki>tensor; Tensor; 텐소르; Тензор; Tensor; تەنزور; Тензор; tensor; 張量; Tenzor; тензор; 張量; 张量; tenzor; Тензор; tensoro; tenzor; টেন্সর; tenseur; Tenzor; tenxơ; تەنزور; Tenzor; тензор; tensor; 张量; Тензор; tensor; tensor; Tenzor; tensor; موتر; တာအုံ; 張量; Tenzor; Tensore; Cálculu tensorial; tensor; Tensor; Tensor; Trajtimi klasik i tensorëve; Тензор; 張量; テンソル; טנזור; Тензор; आतानक विश्लेषण; 张量; ਟੈਂਸਰ; Tensor; Tenzor; 张量; tensore; 張量; тензор; teinseoir; Tensor; tensor; tensor; nacrtensori; تانسور; tensori; tinsuri; tensor; տենզոր; Tenzor; тензор; Tenzorius; tenzor; Tensor; тензор; tenzor; tensor; tensor; ടെൻസർ വിശ്ലേഷണം; tensor; tensor; tensör; тэнзар; 텐서; tensor; тензор; Τανυστής; Tenzors; generalizzazione delle strutture definite usualmente in algebra lineare a partire da un singolo spazio vettoriale; objet très général dont la valeur s'exprime dans un espace vectoriel; геамэтрычны аб’ект; понятие в математике и физике; multilineare Abbildung; transformação multilinear em alguma combinação de escalares, vetores, covetores e tensores; մաթեմատիկական և ֆիզիկական հասկացություն; 數學物件; вектор одређеног векторског простора, вредности зависе од координата, а математички се предствљају матрицама; skaler, vektör, covector ve tensörlerin bazı kombinasyonlarında çok çizgili harita; 線形的な量または線形的な幾何概念を一般化したもの; transformação multilinear em alguma combinação de escalares, vetores, covetores e tensores; objek geometris, untuk memetakan suatu objek geometris ke objek lainnya; uogólnienie pojęcia wektora; geometrisk objekt; applicazzioni multiliniari ca associa un nùmmiru dûn campu ô nsiemi di na siquenza di vitturi cafannu parti di nu spazziu vitturiali supra a ddu campu e di na siquenza di covitturi ca fannu parti dû spazziu duali di ddu spazziu vitturiali; 多重线性映射; 多重线性映射; mapa multilinear d'alguna combinació d'escalars, de vectors, de covectors i de tensors; matematiikassa tietyn tyyppinen geometrinen kokonaisuus tai vaihtoehtoisesti yleinen suure; multilinear map on some combination of scalars, vectors, covectors, and tensors; objeto algebraico; v matematice objekt, který je zobecněním pojmu vektor; מפה רב-לינארית על שילוב כלשהו של סקלרים, וקטורים, קובקטורים וטנסורים; Tenzorska enačba; テンソルの次数; tensorfält; tensorer; tensörler; çok çizgili harita; חשבון טנזורים; טנסור; tensor (mathematica); 張量的經典處理; 張量的中間處理; टेंसर; 张量; تنسور; تينسور; موتّر; ممتد; مسرد نظرية التينسور; 张量的经典处理; 张量的中间处理; حساب تانسوری; حساب تانسور; ثابت کیهان‌شناسی; 张量的经典处理; 张量的中间处理; тензори</nowiki>
multilinear map on some combination of scalars, vectors, covectors, and tensors
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Instance of
  • geometric concept
  • general quantity
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  • tensor space
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Wikidata Q188524
NDL Authority ID: 00572865
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 31131
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English: In mathematics, a tensor is a certain kind of geometrical entity and array concept. It generalizes the concepts of scalar, vector and linear operator, in a way that is independent of any chosen frame of reference. For example, doing rotations over axis does not affect at all the properties of tensors, if a transformation law is followed. Tensors are of importance in pure and applied mathematics, physics and engineering.


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